Aspiring Cowgirl
[SIZE=12pt]For those of you who have raised orphan foals, can you tell me at what age you cut out the milk replacer formula and the milk pellets
I'm wondering with "Trooper", when he can go soley on his junior feed (Purina Equine Junior), hay, and water but no milk replacer products. We're having some diarrhea issues which I think could be milk related (vet's been out -- not taking a chance with this little guy)
The vet that came out (one of four in the practice I use) recommended cutting out the PEJ and just having Trooper eat replacer formula, milk pellets, and hay -- that he is too young for feed. He is 7 weeks, 1 day old and the foals I have raised in the past and currently eat plenty of feed at this age (along with nursing). The foal formual replacer says to work towards weaning at 8wks old (which he nearly is). I just don't feel we should be moving back towards more milk products vs. the complete junior feed but I am interested in others' experiences
He's been on BioSponge (with some good results, but not complete remission of the diarrhea). All of his vitals are within normal limits and his energy is through the roof. Very, VERY playful and happy. Had the vet out to help resolve the diarrhea and ended up questioning what to even feed this little turkey
I'm wondering with "Trooper", when he can go soley on his junior feed (Purina Equine Junior), hay, and water but no milk replacer products. We're having some diarrhea issues which I think could be milk related (vet's been out -- not taking a chance with this little guy)
The vet that came out (one of four in the practice I use) recommended cutting out the PEJ and just having Trooper eat replacer formula, milk pellets, and hay -- that he is too young for feed. He is 7 weeks, 1 day old and the foals I have raised in the past and currently eat plenty of feed at this age (along with nursing). The foal formual replacer says to work towards weaning at 8wks old (which he nearly is). I just don't feel we should be moving back towards more milk products vs. the complete junior feed but I am interested in others' experiences
He's been on BioSponge (with some good results, but not complete remission of the diarrhea). All of his vitals are within normal limits and his energy is through the roof. Very, VERY playful and happy. Had the vet out to help resolve the diarrhea and ended up questioning what to even feed this little turkey
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