I have purchased from Ozark and a few others that I believe are listed on the lilbeginnings tack pages, but if your horses are healthy, fat, and in full coat, not clipped! then you don't need blankets. They will actually do more harm then good. A mini's coat is designed to poof up when it's cold and trap air for warmth. If you blanket them it will flatten the coat and this can't happen. It also messes with a horses natural body temperature. Plus then you have to worry about checking blankets to make sure they are on right and taking them on and off when the weather fluctuates so they don't get to warm. Some of the bigger breeds, as I am sure you know, don't get a coat like the mini's and do need more help in the winter. It might be a good idea to have some for emergency situations, such as a sick horse who is chilled, but you really don't need them for every day use.