Questions on Line Breeding

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Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2003
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Levels, WV

I have a Egyptian Kings Creation son. I just got to mares that are Creation Granddaughters. I was considering breeding my Creation son to them. Is that two closely related? I have never done this before. Both are really nice mares very correct and from Grosshills EK Creation Superstar who was an AMHA res national Champion. My stallion was show and did very well as a youngster and was 3rd in the AMHA futurity as a yearling and was a AMHA champion weanling.

Any help on this would be appreciated. If this is to closely related I want to know. I would breed them to someone else. I have a Rowdy bred which I know crosses well with King horses.

[SIZE=14pt]I just got a stud in April that is a grandfather to 2 of my fillies. I asked my boss (vet ) how he felt about breeding him to them and he felt it was too close, and that he wouldnt risk it. I too felt the same ay even before I asked him. Your way may be a little less close, but me personaly I shy away from "close" relations. I would what at least one more generation in there. I had a bad expirence with line breeding a QH filly back to her sire... I was young and listened to the breeder... NEVER again will I go THAT close. Got the meanest horse out of that cross.[/SIZE]

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I bred two Rowdy grandbabies, and got two of the sweetest, nicest little foals. I won't go any closer than that, though. And you do have to watch the conformation pretty close in line breeding. Breeding this close can bring out the less desireable traits. My filly that I got has more slope to her hip than I wanted. And she's slightly taller than I thought she would get, but other than these things, she is everything I could have hoped for. The colt is only a month old, so it's really early to tell anything about how he'll mature. But he has the sweetest disposition, and is a pocket pest (and has very good conformation right now). He's going to be extremely hard to sell. But a cross such as you have described (if I am understanding the relationships involved correctly) could result in nice foals. It's very close, though, and maybe you should think about breeding only one of the mares to your EK stallion first, and if you love the resulting foal, think about repeating it. Some of the best horses are line bred, and some of the worst are, too. It's a risk. But try one since you have another stallion you know will cross well with the other mare. If it doesn't work, then don't do that cross again. If it does, then you will hopefully get some nice foals. Good luck!

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