I know you posted awhile back about this hard keeper and feeding her. Can you find a product called ADM Junior Glo. This is a soy based feed, not an oats/corn based feed. That might take the edge off, yet meet her nutritional needs. Here is the descript:
A source of energy that does not contribute to metabolic and digestive disorders and developmental orthopedic disorders (DOD) is a long-awaited breakthrough for the horse industry. JUNIORGLO, a Specialized Premium Blend product, contains the original stabilized rice bran, which is considered the best source of beneficial dietary fat for horses. JUNIORGLO, contains no whole corn or corn starch and is formulated by combining Stabilized Rice Bran, Omega Flax™, and Soy Shine® with protein, vitamin, and mineral sources to produce a unique feed that is more energy dense, thus lowering the feeding rate compared to traditional grain-based horse feeds. JUNIORGLO is a key component of FORAGE FIRST® programs and is the perfect fit for meeting the nutritional challenges faced by young, growing horses. FORAGE FIRST programs combine good-quality forage, GROSTRONG® vitamin-mineral products, and Specialized Premium Blends to produce balanced total rations. With this combination of feeds, horses can be healthy and perform at their best when fed less grain than they would receive from traditional horse rations. Consequently, horses are at less risk of metabolic and digestive disorders and DOD that may result from high-starch intake. Stabilized rice bran is the foundation of Alliance Nutrition’s Specialized Premium Blend products.