Well-Known Member
I've said this before, but I quilt just to keep me from going insane. I have decided that maybe I should enter some in local shows. So I had entered three in a show in Red Boiling Springs, TN (a darling little town about 45 minutes from here). Not to toot my own horn, but TOOT, TOOT, TOOT. My Ohio Star won 1st place in hand quilting. My double wedding ring won second in hand quilting. AND.....wait for it.....the double wedding ring was awarded Viewers Choice. I was absolutely speechless (and I am NEVER at a loss for words.) All three of these in the picture were mine. I was quite surprised and very pleased. Unfortunately, the names on the ribbons were for my evil twin sister "Shelby" as opposed to me "Shelley". And here I didn't even know I had a twin sister. How funny was that? I have all this time on my hands, babysitting hubby, and so I thought I'd put it to good use. So I guess that is the silver lining.