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Apr 20, 2005
Reaction score
Southwest Oklahoma
Well, I just heard there was a case of horse rabies in my county. First time in decades. I do not know if the rabid animal is known or the circumstances of the attack. The horse was taken to the equine hospital where I go for teeth floating. Evidently it was showing violent signs, snapping and trying to bite the vet and techs (both were bitten). The test was positive for rabies on the horse. The vet and tech got booster shots.
I would like to know if the attacking rabid animal was found; how long before symptoms showed up; environmental conditions; had the horse been vaccinated. I think I will contact the state veterinary board and ask for details.
That is scary. I do titers on mine most years. This year I did do the rabies vaccinations on two of mine, but Cappy had surgery so we didn't want to stress him (and his titer was good). It's so hard to deal with vaccinations when you have reactive horses.
I'm curious if they knew if the horse had been bitten before it turned symptomatic, or if it just became sick. Doesn't really matter I suppose, but the timeline and history would be interesting.
I took Billy in for his bloodwork today and asked about the titer test. The local vet said it is $80 and takes about 2-3 weeks to get the result. So while I was there, I called the equine hospital where I go to get Billy's teeth done and asked if that vet would accept a titer result. He said only if the horse had had the rabies shot 3 consecutive years would he accept the titer result (this is the equine hospital where the rabid horse ended up).
I decided not to do the titer test, but opted to just give him the rabies shot. Fingers crossed he does not react. He was fine last year, but every year is different!
I don't think the owner knew it was rabid. It was taken to a different vet at first, who suspected it. Then the horse went to the equine hospital. No idea what the host rabid animal was. But the owner doesn't live anywhere near me, other side of the county, so that makes me feel better.
That's very scary. I always do rabies shots on my horses and sheep. I have had an occasional bad reaction, but it seems to be certain brands. If you know he reacts to one specifically, write it down and have them use a different one.

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