Ragdoll Kittens

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Well-Known Member
May 16, 2006
Reaction score
London, ON
The two at the back are Jasmine's and the seal point in the foreground is Jenna's; I that one of Jenna's with Jasmine as Jenna had five and Jasmine had four and Jasmine is a better mother/has more milk than Jenna. Jasmine's will be four weeks old on Monday. Jenna's will be four weeks old on Wednesday. Hope you like the vid (and excuse the baby talk

They are absolutely adorable and gorgeous!
I think kittens are my favorite at about 4 weeks. I love seeing the pics of your kittens and puppies. Keep em coming.

I need to figure out how to upload video to youtube...I've got a couple of funny videos of the pups playing when they are little!!!

Oh my gosh are they ever cute! You obviously breed, how on earth do you part with such precious bundles. I own ragdolls to, but there just pets. Such floppy sucks lol
Thanks everyone
Yes, we breed on a small scale. It's not that hard to let the kittens go; we don't name them, first of all and they all go to amazing homes. It's fun for the eight weeks they are with us and it's very satisfying placing healthy, happy little ones with their happy new families.
OMG OMG! They are way too cute! I love kitties/cats. Boy thank goodness you live so far away from me because my husband wouldnt be happy because I would want all of them! LOL.
They are so cute, Matt

Plus, I love the baby talk

Where they really about the size of peanuts? I've never seen new born kittens in person!!! Yours couldn't be any more beautiful than they are
No, Jill, they weren't; I thought of that after I said it. They are bigger than that. Maybe the size of a small sausage (3 inches long).
Thanks everyone
Yes, we breed on a small scale. It's not that hard to let the kittens go; we don't name them, first of all and they all go to amazing homes. It's fun for the eight weeks they are with us and it's very satisfying placing healthy, happy little ones with their happy new families.
LOL no names wouldn't help us. My kids would have them all in there pockets.

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