Really big trees

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Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2004
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Northwest California

Well we have some really big trees in our neck of the woods some are even bigger that these.

Oh they are Redwoods by the way.
I've never seen the giant redwoods and probably never will but being a nature lover at heart, they are beautiful. Thanks for posting the pictures.
Oh my gosh they're beautiful!!! I remember when I was little and living in CA going on a field trip to some park and we had them there. They're magnificent!
I've never seen the giant redwoods and probably never will but being a nature lover at heart, they are beautiful. Thanks for posting the pictures.
I see in your avartar that you over look the mississippi -- I would love to see your view even if its far away.

Can you post a picture of your view?
Those are some BIG trees..we plan on going to California this summer and will hopefully get to see some!
I love big trees!!

We have some pretty good sized (for now a days) Cedars on our place, but not near as big as those Redwoods.
They are a national treasure aren't they and an endangered species! I was raised a California girl and if I could I would have a second home there!

Thanks SO much for the picture and the rememberance.

I love those!

When we drove down to Crescent City last year, we drove through them once late at night and that was pretty impressive, but coming back home in the daylight, it struck me again how wonderfully amazing those trees are.

Aren't they among the oldest living things on the planet?

They are certainly a destination if one can manage it. There's a lot more to see down in that neck of the woods, so to speak. Very pretty country.

Thanks for sharing the pic!

Liz M.
Those are absolutely magnificent!!!! WOW!!! I have spent a lot of time hiking in the Big Sur - just breathtaking!!!

Liz R.

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