When I first read your post the other day, it took me a bit to recompose myself for any sort of response. :no: We were hit with a hail storm back in February, all our horses, but one, were caught out in it. It was in the middle of the night, around 3am, when it came over us. They all had sore backs for a couple weeks, but thankfully were ok after time healed. Tornados touched down over us, took our barn roof. The one horse we had in the barn, our gelding Chuckie, was very rattled as he was in shelter one moment and out in the "elements" with the rest of them, the next. Thankfully he suffered no injury though, the only one out of all six we have here. Very rattled when the barn roof went to the air above him, but so thankful he wasn't taken with it. Thanking God for that.
: Then the tornado lifted back up and touched down again, just past us...taking 21 of our neighbors with it...
: Lord have mercy.
Our ferrier and his wife, Mike & Melinda Sluss, were two of them who perished. Thankfully, their 16 year old son, Aaron, was spared, but not without serious injuries that kept him hospitalized for weeks and weeks afterward. God be with him always and forever.
So thankful you and your family are ok. Holding in prayers for your filly and the loss of your other pets. God be with, protect and heal.