We have a neighbor and friend who is very wealthy (like worth hundreds of millions of dollars wealth!)...and she's the most amazing person on the planet. Recently she purchased the land/farm across the road from us and when she was looking at the plots she realized that a tiny little triangle of our driveway is hers. She actually asked us if she wanted us to landscape it
(we have lawn there and we have always taken care of it -- it's right in front of the house and it's maybe 40 feet by 12 at the most)...of course we declined and told her not to worry about it.
Well with the purchase of that farm and land she was approached by a dozen or more hunters who wanted hunting priveledges. She knows nothing about hunting so she asked my husband to draw up contracts and to manage it -- he did so in exchange for hunting priveledges as well.
I just recived a Christmas card from her, and a thank you note for "mowing and for managing the hunting property". In it was a check for a very large sum of money....large to us anyway. It is the largest gift I've ever recieved from anyone...ever. I'm dumbfounded. And I'll tell you, it couldn't have come at a better time, not just because it's Christmas, but because we are seriously struggling with our fuel bills - I'm sure some of you can relate.
How do I thank someone for such kindness? I am not very good with words and I just wish I could say exactly how I feel (I'm not even sure what that is). I don't want her to feel obligated to pay for the "services" because to us it was simply being neighborly. She is so dnaged kind and this community is so lucky to have her living here, that I feel it's a priveledge just knowing her!
Anyone have a knack for such things? Any help will be appreciated...

Well with the purchase of that farm and land she was approached by a dozen or more hunters who wanted hunting priveledges. She knows nothing about hunting so she asked my husband to draw up contracts and to manage it -- he did so in exchange for hunting priveledges as well.
I just recived a Christmas card from her, and a thank you note for "mowing and for managing the hunting property". In it was a check for a very large sum of money....large to us anyway. It is the largest gift I've ever recieved from anyone...ever. I'm dumbfounded. And I'll tell you, it couldn't have come at a better time, not just because it's Christmas, but because we are seriously struggling with our fuel bills - I'm sure some of you can relate.
How do I thank someone for such kindness? I am not very good with words and I just wish I could say exactly how I feel (I'm not even sure what that is). I don't want her to feel obligated to pay for the "services" because to us it was simply being neighborly. She is so dnaged kind and this community is so lucky to have her living here, that I feel it's a priveledge just knowing her!
Anyone have a knack for such things? Any help will be appreciated...