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Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2007
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Hi everyone. well, I was recently searching for a miniature horse
: , but before I purchase one, I would like some questions answered first, so I came here for some advice. The mini I'm looking at is almost a year old, and I dont know how much some things will cost(gelding, etc.) for him. So here goes- Ok, first question: About how much does it cost to keep 1 mini per year?
:aktion033: Good job getting your info before your mini!! I applaud you for that!! :aktion033: Alot of your cost will depend on where you live. I live in Maine and we have winter for about 9 months ( well it seems it really 4 months or so ). We have to buy hay and feed extra in order for them to keep warm. Spring shots will also vary depending where you live and what is important for your area, there is also farrier every 6 to 8 weeks and that also depends on your area, WELL for me at least I feel I take excelllent care of my minis and with feed, bedding, vacinations and farier and worming Im guessing about $800 to $1000 a year, Im sure it can be done cheaper but like I said so much depends on your area. This does not include set up costs and emergency costs. ( a vet call here is exspensive!! ) I would suggest makeing a few calls to people in your area about your feed costs and farrier and have a talk with a good Vet that KNOWS minis. Very important Good luck on your search, I had so much fun as I spent almost a year researching before buying my first mini(s) and I have had big horses for over 30 years!! Kath
:aktion033: Good job getting your info before your mini!! I applaud you for that!! :aktion033: Alot of your cost will depend on where you live. I live in Maine and we have winter for about 9 months ( well it seems it really 4 months or so ). We have to buy hay and feed extra in order for them to keep warm. Spring shots will also vary depending where you live and what is important for your area, there is also farrier every 6 to 8 weeks and that also depends on your area, WELL for me at least I feel I take excelllent care of my minis and with feed, bedding, vacinations and farier and worming Im guessing about $800 to $1000 a year, Im sure it can be done cheaper but like I said so much depends on your area. This does not include set up costs and emergency costs. ( a vet call here is exspensive!! ) I would suggest makeing a few calls to people in your area about your feed costs and farrier and have a talk with a good Vet that KNOWS minis. Very important Good luck on your search, I had so much fun as I spent almost a year researching before buying my first mini(s) and I have had big horses for over 30 years!! Kath
: Thank you, well I dont want to be unprepared, so I need to find out before getting him. I live in New Hampshire, and I will be a first time mini owner. But I still have more questions....HOw much does it cost to geld a mini?
Welcome to the forum and welcome from PA!! :saludando: I am new to mini's too. I got my two back in April, then I just added a new filly. They are addictive
: My gelding was gelded when I got him so I can't help out there. Everyone told me it was best to get two, so the one isn't lonely.. I was only going to get one, but I bought two off the bat. I don't remember life before my mini's.. How old is the one you are looking at?? I did a lot of research before I got mine, and it paid off. But everyone here is wonderful.. They have helped me out alot with some of my questions.. The only thing that can be the most expense is the vet. And I have to pay for farm calls as I don't have a trailer.. SO it is about 100.00 right off the bat for me on any vet call. But I gladly pay it for my guys.. love them to much not to have the vet help keep them going. You can worm them yourself to help save money. I do do that on my own and that is about it..

Welcome again and best of luck..
It all depends on what you vet charges for a farm call. I live in the thumb area of Michigan our farm call is $55.00 and with gelding is about $225.00. Our timothy hay is $2.00 a square bale and timothy with aflpha is $3.00. We have 20 horses and get about a 1,000 bales of hay each hay season.Our farrier charges $18.00 per horse to trim.Our shots cost $5.00 each but my vet does them for that price and I purchase the shots from Jeffers.other wise rabies is $19.00 here and do not know what 5 way is. Just know rabies was one short this season and know what the vet charged. My grain is the new Platform which is about 15.00 a bag but was using sweet feed before and that cost $6.50 a bag. Hope this gives you some ideas of the cost.The best would be to call in your area and get some prices.
Welcome to the forum from Connecticut. And congrats for asking these questions ahead of time.

There are a lot of forum members from New Hampshire - including at least one farrier (Fred). There are also several miniature clubs in the area which you might want to contact. The Northeast Miniature Horse Club Northeast website and the Colonial Club Colonial website . There are more but these are the two I happen to belong to. They will both be great places for new mini owners. I know the Northeast Club is holding a clinic in April where you could learn a whole bunch about minis and meet other mini owners.

Many of the costs you are asking about will vary so much from one place to another. Can you start by asking the person you are buying from? That is also the place to ask about what feed the mini is getting so you can keep that unchanged. And all the cost estimation in the world won't help when you have an unexpected veterinary emergency. I hate to bring that up, but it is always a possibilty.

Good luck woth your mini!
Alot depends on where you live. Here in NY it is a bit less expensive as hay is affordable. BUT that said, one mini may get very lonesome. You may want to consider 2 or get a goat for company. One mini won't eat much, nor will 2 seeing as this is what I have I'll share what keeping 2 costs me.

Now that it is cold they are fed their feed (Strategy) in the morning about 7:30 and I split a flake of hay between them in their stall. Now they share a 10x20 but before they each had a 10x10, then about 9am I go let them out. They always have some grass hay in the shed to munch all day but it is usually the extra that falls to the floor of the hay room. In "really cold" weather I will go out about 12-1pm and shake out another flake. Then at around 5pm they come in for some feed and I split a small flake for them in their stalls, then I go back out at around 10pm to be sure everyone is ok and give them each more hay, the amt will vary on how cold it is and turn out the lights. I have been known if it is near 0 to put a flake in each corner for the long nite. I leave nite lights and a radio on all nite in the barn.

SO...feed...a 50 lb bag of Strategy costs me $9.56 and I use 1 bag a month $9.56x12 mos=$114.72

Hay a bale lasts me 2/3 days depending on the weather...hay in the NY/Pa area is about $2 a bale, I bought 150 bales that = $300 for a years hay.

Worming...every 6 wks for a yearling, every 8 for an adult (just my way) per year, for 1 or 2 minis = 4 tubes at an average price of $7 tube= $28 for yearly worming

Required shots....costs will depend on your vet call which is anywheres from $25 to $100...mine is $35 just to come here, the shots are then $20 for vaccines and $15 for Rabies. Once yearly for me w/ 2 minis=around $115 should "try to have an extra bit of money for those horsie emergencies. Stick your change in a jar..put aside $5/wk anything OR ask your vet how you would go about dealing with an emergency and the paying for it. having a plan is the best.

Farrier....every 8 wks, costs vary from $15 to $50...the farrier I use now charges $25/horse every 8 wks. I have paid as much as $30 and as little as $15/horse. So average it out and multiply it by 6.

Now comes the extras.....feed pans, water buckets, salt/mineral blacks, a nice halter, a safe lead line, good safe fencing, good warm shelter, bedding....and so on.

Good luck with your new addition(s)
: Like you....many years ago I did my homework before buying and I applaud you for this. That was before I had a computer and I had to rely on the kindness of folks on the phone and sending pictures thru the mail! :new_shocked: Be sure you know all you can then realize they are horses big or small..horses they are.

Oh tho I have never had a gelding done they cost here about $150.
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You have been given some very good advice here and I too applaud you for learning everything you can BEFORE you bring your Mini home! I would like to direct you to MHCO website for lots of good information and articles on Minis for the beginner. Look under the clinic notes too. Good luck and happy times with your new Mini!
Alot depends on where you live. Here in NY it is a bit less expensive as hay is affordable.

Hay a bale lasts me 2/3 days depending on the weather...hay in the NY/Pa area is about $2 a bale, I bought 150 bales that = $300 for a years hay.

Oh tho I have never had a gelding done they cost here about $150.

First off, WELCOME! Good to check out costs in your area BEFORE buying! Smart gal! Be sure and have some set aside for those extras! Vet bills can come on very unexpectedly, as in any animal. And I second that you need 2 animals, goat, whatever as horses are herd animals and need companionship to thrive.

Deb, I will trade gelding charges here ($85) for your hay costs!!(mine $5+ a bale)! LOL!!!
: Now you see why Glow gets to stay on pasture so long !!! LOL!
Here are my figures on the basic needs ext.

A bale of hay costs me $3. On average per block it is .25cents. Each horse gets 2 blocks daily so that is about .50-.75 for hay each day per horse. Your average bag of sweet feed will cost you $5-$14 per 50lb's. Complete feeds will cost $15-$23 for 50lbs. I feed Buckeye Gro N Win which is $22 and it lasts me forever it seems bc it takes so little.

Bedding is around $4.50/bag and one bag will last year 1week-2weeks. Trimming hooves can run anywhere from $20-$35 around every 6-10 weeks. Worming is around $10 every 60 days or you may choose to use a daily wormer.

Of course if you choose to add a suppliment or board ext prices will. Also if the horse is on pasture generally you will spend less on hay. There is allot of other things but those are mostly by choice.
It is wonderful you are asking. But saying that.... I honestly do not look. Have had mine so long.

Lets see..

Trims every 2 months $25.00

Worming paste every 2 months on average.. using part of a tube... $4.00

Vaccines per year.. 5 in 1 and WNV and me giving the vaccine $37.00

Hay....found the source... $5.75 a bale and running 65 to 70lbs...nice local grass. Using two flakes a day since it is winter for two mini's. Average about 12 to 14 flakes per bale.

Bale of white pine shavings...normally lasts 5 days if cleaned out well everyday.. $7.50

Vitamins...very hard to break down...6 equines of various sizes.. I use Horse Guard...say..40cents a day.

Salt/mineral lick...normally $5.00 a year.

Plus what ever toys and gagets you want.
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Wow great question one I havent really thought about in a long time. I guess I can feed one of my minis for close to 30 bucks a month when I take what I spend and divide it by 13 even though one of those is a large pony who eats alot (she is aged and a harder keeper this is her first ever winter she is a So Cal horse)

then add trimming 25 bucks, de-worming, shots and such
Here in Quebec hay is $2 a bale, depends on what wormer i buy but on average $4 a mini 4 times a year, hoof trimning I do myself as my cousin who is a professional farrier taught me so save money there, shots depends on time of year, grain is about $15 for fat/fiber, about $12 for Omolene 200, about $20 for Equalizer and about the same for Equine Jr. I also feed 3 arabians so not sure how long a bag would last me for one mini as I have 12 minis and 3 arabs here at the moment. Bedding is $25 a huge dump trailer full with the wood sides on and that lasts me not quite 2 months. My minis also are quite spoiled as they get 1 flake of hay each two times a day. They are fat and I ratehr have them a bit fat than to skinny. :aktion033: My vet says they are in great shape. Oh and I cannot forget salt blocks, Super Horse Blocks and Selenium that I buy.
Thank you all very much for the advice so far! It is greatly aprecciated! I still have more, though....I am not ready for 2 minis right now, so a goat would be a nice companion, right? The thing I worry about is the goat getting into my horse's feed :eek: I wouldnt want either of them to get sick. A goat would be VERY convinient, as my neighbor's are selling about 100 right now! lol! But also, wouldn't the goat be able to jump a fence?

And yet another of my endless sting of questions...About how big of a pen would my mini need? Thanx again, I've read every reply, and they have helped A LOT! :saludando:

THank you! :aktion033: That info was EXTREMELY helpful, and I actually ended up printing it so I have it at hand! I was wondering what kind of animal would make a good companion besides a second mini????
Oh, also!...I will be posting pictures of the mini I may be buying (by the way, his name is Tango!) soon, as I think people would like that!
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Where are you in Maine? I have some minis with a friend of mine in Blue Hill Maine and she might be able to give you the prices of things in Maine. Email me at:

[email protected] and I can give you her email address if that would help.

Im in New HAmpshire, prices may not be that different, though! Thanx, Joyce! :bgrin
I'm in Virginia..........lots of different prices. For instance, that $2. Canadian hay costs me $25. here :new_shocked: BUT, it lovely (NO it's GORGEOUS) Timothy & 105-110 pounds a bale.

Your biggest cost will be the mini (and those that WILL follow :bgrin ).

Hay -- they need 1.5-2% of their body weight per day. Even a little more in winter. The hay keeps them warm, well the digesting of it. This is important to know so that you will be able to rationalize how much you need. I've had bales from 30-120# and flakes from 2-6#.

The others are right on with costs -- just wanted to mention about the hay. Most of the NY hay is about 55-65# it seems. The Western & Canadian bales are normally far larger.

Welcome to minis. You will LOVE these horses
Wow! Expensive hay! I know here it is around 5 dollars per bale, but I dont know how much 1 bale contains.
: There's no doubt about me loving minis in the future! I love them already, and I have not even bought Tango!
: Thanx for the info!
The bales we are getting now in CT for $5-$6 each are about 50 pounds (I can lift them, but barely). A lot of the hay around here comes from NY. You should get second cutting hay for your mini as it will be finer than the first cutting. And of course, it usually costs more than first cutting. I am assuming that the hay available in NH will be mostly timothy or timothy/alfalfa mix, either of which are good.

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