Removing Urine Smell

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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What will take out urine smell? I need to get the furniture cleaned thanks to the stupid dog my mother in law brought with her. However, in the mean time what can I spray on it to help? It drives me nuts and its all I can smell.
The best product I use is natures miracle. It works best if it is used before you try to clean it with anything else. It takes out all the smell. enzyme action. I have used it on a sofa that has been hit with a large volume of doggie pee and you can stick your nose right into the sofa and can't smell a thing. Soak up the pee with papertowels if still wet. I put on sneakers, and wad up papertowels and stomp on the cushions to get the pee out... Apply the natures miracle. (I prefer the liquid)... Let it soak in, then stomp it out with towels if on a sofa... I cover with a old bath towel until the natures miracle dries. It dries fast...

it is a miracle product. good for carpet too.

It comes in a spray and in a bottle you can pour on. Depending on how deep the pee is into the furnature.. depends on which I use. Old pee, really soak it and stomp it out. It has no smell of its own... it works terrific...

I am a pro pee cleaner >>..LOL, let me know what you are trying to treat and clean and describe and I can probably give you a better description of how to deal with it. good luck!

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Its just the chair so far. Dumb dog lifted his leg on the side of it where the foot rest comes up.
Its just the chair so far. Dumb dog lifted his leg on the side of it where the foot rest comes up.

Soak the peed on area with the natures miracle and then the floor next to the chair under where he peed. let it soak in, then use towels and press down to lift out the moisture. Repeat until you think it is clean. You can put clean water on last and lift out with towels too. If it is a great chair.. test a spot first, however that is my disclaimer... I never do that... I have never had this stuff change the color of the fabric or do anything but clean it up.

My moms dog tried marking in my house. Little stinker. I know exactly what you are going through. My moms dog has a new rules... when he comes to visit he is in the crate or outside, or on a leash in the house. Ticked off my mom, but I had to put my foot down. No exceptions. You can only take so much. I have 6 dogs, I didn't want them doing the monkey see monkey do thing with my furnature. good luck! Seriously.. this stuff works great. I also have used baking soda like Marty mentioned, but for fabric and things where you can't get the baking soda deep enough to take out the stink, I like the natures miracle. It actually breaks down the pee .
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Im not worried about the floor, Its wood so that was easy to clean. If I had my way he wouldnt come either. They know he doesnt hold his urine and dont bother to crate him. When he was here before he peed down stairs and despite my asking to not allow him down there (its carpet) they still were. Guess before they moved up here she was living with her daughter and he did the same thing all over her house.

They dont think its a big deal. However I had my house clean ready for baby, and now I have to deep clean it again. They went home this morning so do have most of it clean just have to do a few more things.

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