REPORT YOUR FOALS HERE! Time for 2005 count!

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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SW Oklahoma
Please email me to report your foals since January 1st 2005.

Although I've tried to write them down off the forum, due to my sorrow about losing Bran, I have not been here all the time the last few days and I may have missed some.

Please, even if you have posted about them here, EMAIL me.


Date of birth



Your forum name

Live or lost

Thank you!
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Does that include the losses that have been reported since Jan. 1st?

Also, maybe MaryLou could have this pinned so we don't forget where we need to report each birth?

All the best,

MA, yes losses too. If you wish them to be counted. Everything since Jan. 1st please! In case I didn't catch it off the board.

Thanks for pinning this!

Happy foaling!
Should this be for full term losses only, or are you including all spontaneous abortions since conception? I think it should be full term losses only if reporting losses, as where would you then draw the line? Just something I have been thinking about. Maybe from 10 months gestation on? At least they can survive at that time. If aborted earlier, there is not hope as lungs are not well enough developed???
As you know i lost a foal out of my mare Okie would i still report that or just leave it alone because i couldn't tell you the sex or the color pf mine i know when it was born and it is an angel foal And i am Mini**Lover?

Thank You All So Much
I agree with you Mona. I think only foals lost say, after day 280 gestation on should be reported. 280 because there have been a few survive born around 282 or so. "Viable loses". Whatcha think?

My idea: If you have a loss, please also give the day gestation it was lost. Then at the end, we could maybe see a pattern by the gestation those losses occured.
How far along was your Okie? You can send the info (email) to me if you want.
What is the real purpose behind keeping these statistics? I think that would decide which foals are counted and which ones are not.

I think for the statistics to be useful to help people understand the true numbers of live births vs. confirmed pregnant mares, then the 'Foal Count' should include premies and aborted foals. If you ignore those numbers, then they don't exist, or never happened which creates an inaccurate, albeit more pleasant, 'picture' of the realities of raising miniature horses.

I think that all lost foals should be in the statistics. If an owner has evidence of an abortion, that WAS a foal that was lost, even if it was not viable. A bred mare did not carry to term. That should be recorded. If it isn't, it would be the same as if that mare was left open, but she wasn't. A breeder took the time/money to get the mare bred, and accepted the risk of losing that mare, and the potential for big vet bills (and possibly even had vet bills or even lost the mare in the process of aborting an unviable foal). To not record those foals skews the statistics for someone considering the 'risks' and realities of breeding minatures.

As for 'which' ones to includes in the 2005 statistics, I would say that if the mare was originally bred for a '2005' foal, that the foal belongs in the statistics for 2005. So, if they confirmed the mare aborted in November 2004, but her due date would have been February 2005, then the foal would have been a '2005' foal and should be counted in the 2005 statistics.
Yes, couldn't there be an "abortions" column? Last year there were many that were called "sadly premature", so something like that. People can still aknowledge their lost foals, and I do agree that it shows a truer picture of statistics, at least of those that are reported anyway.
That would be a good idea Magic.

Magic said:
Yes, couldn't there be an "abortions" column?    Last year there were many that were called "sadly premature", so something like that.  People can still aknowledge their lost foals, and I do agree that it shows a truer picture of statistics, at least of those that are reported anyway.

If people want to report ANY pregnacy, Losses or live that's fine.

There was a private reason for not wanting to report every single loss from every single bred mare from every farm. If I do that, I suppose I can look forward to having my personal website linked to some nasty people to show what nasty people we all are as breeders, since that many losses will level out the live to loss ratio. Some of you know who I mean. But I will do it that way if that's what you'd like.

This is not a scientific "study". This is to show the FOAL count for the forum. Meant to be fun for us all. In the beginning, the purpose of the count was because someone wondered how many COLTS vs FILLIES there were. It is evolving.

I think it would be great if AMHA did an actual study of this and had all breeders sent their info in.

Ok, everyone send in everything and all info to me and I'll count them.

There are some forum members who don't announce their foals or have them counted. That is not helping the statistics either.

People last year did not say how far along the mares were. I like to know the gestations.

I think I will let Mary Lou tell me how she would like the count conducted.

Meanwhile, you can send me any and all losses and the day of gestation to loss occured. I'm doing my best to please.

ADDED: Ok, I will continue to do it the way JJay set it up last year. Any loss is an Angel. And if the gestation of the loss is known, that would be nice to know too.

Thanks for the input!
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My friend, Ks Mini Lane Farm had a live filly (bay tobiano pinto) on Wednesday, 2/2... might have been Tuesday, 2/1 - Mare was not due until March and on the day before, had no bag..... sure got that bag fast! as she had milk for the filly.

Saw filly running circles around the mare on 2/2 late morning - she was already dry and quite mobile by then. Lucky Lucky Lucky!

I have one pregnant mare. She is not due until April.

Will email you as well.


I agree with REO some people might take it the wrong way. Even briefly explained why putting up the abortions they still might not understand.

How about a seperate page for the loss foals like a special tribute.
I think that in order to really look at the rate of live foals we have to count the prematurely aborted foals as well. Otherwise, what is the point really? I really don't like the term "abortion" because it sounds intentional. Last years "sadly premature" listed after the counted foal on the list worked very well to distinguish.

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The link to it is in my sig line. I will be tallying up the last of 2004 count and changing the page to start with the 2005 list soon. I plan to have the 2003 stats, 2004 and 2005 all on my site soon.

I will keep doing the count the same way JJay set it up last year.

ALL foals are welcome. Live or lost. If the foal is lost, please try to tell me the gestation the foal was.

Just send me an email with your forum name and info.

I will also post as many photos as I can.

You know what? I think it would be very interesting if everyone told me the days gestation of the LIVE foals too! Then we can see the true range that mini mares foal.
REO said:
You know what? I think it would be very interesting if everyone told me the days gestation of the LIVE foals too! Then we can see the true range that mini mares foal.

That's a great idea! I will send mine (IF my mares ever foal, lol! At this point it always feels like that first one will never come)
REO said:
You know what? I think it would be very interesting if everyone told me the days gestation of the LIVE foals too! Then we can see the true range that mini mares foal.


Great idea Robin! Many people pasture breed tho, and don't really know the "true" gestation of their foals. But for the ones who DO know...most definitely, send it in along with the foal info!
My friend / trainer Priscilla (who is actually signed up here but doesn't post) had a premature foal born this morning. I found it when I went to check on my newly gelded Derby & Lonesome. It was born at about 9 months and not alive and in the sack when I found it around 4am. This same mare also miscarried last year at 10 months
She is 5yo and hasn't had a live baby, but she really wants to be a mom. She is fascinated by the foals other mares have
She is a full sister to my newest mare.

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