Rest In Peace, Gary Knapper

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My condolences and thoughts are defiantly with Sandy at this time aswell as his friends and family, I am so sorry for her loss. Gary was an incredible person and will be missed by many.
Our condolences, thoughts and prayers to Sandy and her family on the passing of Gary...

Suzy Hooper and Janie Bigham

Big Hoop Miniatures and Show Horses by Suzy

Fresno, CA
My heartfelt sympathy goes out to Sandy and the family.

I hope that they can find some sense of peace and comfort in knowing that Gary is no longer in pain.

It must be hard to lose someone who was loved so much by so many.
So very sorry to hear of Gary's passing but he is at peace and no longer burdened by the afflections of an earthbound body. I know this will be an extremely difficult time for Sandy as she not only lost a spouse and special friend but she is also battling her own war with illness.

Sandy, know that Gary sits at the feet of GOD, is now heathy again and will one day greet you at the golden bridge that each of us will cross one day.

A prayer: Dear Lord, please give Sandy the peace and quiet tranquility to see her through the loss of her friend, confidant, mentor, and husband--a partner through life's highway. Give her the knowledge that Gary is in your heavenly home and now unburdened from the frail body that was left here on earth. Give her the strength to continue the battle of her own illness and place your healing hands of grace around her so that she may gain strength and health. See her and her family through the trials of the next days with peace and knowledge that we will all one day meet again. AMEN

Here is a poem for you:

I"M Free

Don't grieve for me, for now I'm free.

I am following the path God laid for me.

I took His hand when I heard Him call, I turned my back and left it all.

I could not stay another day, to laugh, to love, to work to play.....

Tasks left undone must stay that way, I found that peace at the close of the day.

If my parting has left a void, then fill it with remembered joy.

A friendship shared, a laugh, a kiss, Ah, these things I too will miss.

Be not burdened with time of sorrow, I wish to you the sunshine of tomorrow.

My life's been full, I savored much,

Good friends, good times, a loved one touched.

Perhaps my time seemed all to brief, Don't lengthen it now with undue grief.

Lift up your heart and share with me, God wanted me now, HE SET ME FREE!!!!

Author unknown

Hugs, and continued throught and prayer for Sandy and her family.
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Our prayers are lifted for Sandy and her family, as well as for all who are near and dear. God be with.
Prayers to Sandy and the family and my deepest sympathy. May the perpetual light always shine upon him. Amen
Oh, Davie, that is one of the most beautiful poems I've ever read. I'll make absolutely sure that Sandy sees it. Thank you so much. Bless your heart.

Thank you to everyone for your prayers and condolences. Is there a way to print out the whole thread so that I can give to Sandy?
Hugs and prayers for his family and friends. I ask that God give peace that passes all understanding during this time.

My condolances go out to Sandy and her family. I'll keep them in my prayers in this time of need.

Sheryl Stewart
Gary's funeral will be held on Friday, Dec. 15 at 1:00 p.m. at the Sonoma United Methodist Church (where Sandy and Gary were married), 4790 Capital AVe. S.W., Battle Creek MI.

If anyone would like directions, I'll be happy to email them.
Our thoughts and prayers are with Gary and family.

Davie's poem says it all.

God Bless,

Ericas Tiny Trotters,

Linda and Erica Killion
So Very sorry to hear of the loss of our fellow horsemen, May god wrap his arms around sandy and family and make them feel comforted ..And know that gary now has wings and is free from pain ...Godspeed Gary
i'll include him and his family in my prayers
: velma
: I'm so sorry to hear of Gary's passing. My prayers and condolences to Sandy and the rest of his family and friends.

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