WOW!! She's done some serious rolling ! Baby is looking in really good position!!! I would be watching her even more closely now that she's lining that baby up. She may foal without filling up that udder, but she's looking fabulous!!
Back on the computer now. That mobile uploading is murder! I suppose I'll get used to it but I keep bumping the screen so then it will zoom out and everythings tiny so I press reply instead of upload a picture.
She followed me around the other day while I fixed up the electric fence, kept trying to spook herself by going near the long grass and waiting for a rabbit to move and then gallop up the paddock. Then she'd come back down to do it again. Yesterday and today she hasn''t wanted me to touch her hooha. I've kinda persisted since I want to know if there's a change inside but she's not a happy camper about it.
So I was wondering how many days do you wait before you get the vet to check your mare? 370? And is Sweety more likely to have difficulty in labour then if she'd already foaled?
How many days is she now? Since I had a mare who always foaled at day 365, I never got concerned until the 1 year mark had passed. But are we "positive" of her breeding dates? I can't remember -- but thought there was some "figuring" that had to be done.
She was with Wazza from 8th to 15th May 2012. She's 352 days going off a foaling calculator I found online. Maybe I shoud double check it incase I entered the details in wrong. The next time she was with him was October 2012