Is there anything that works to get rid of this? I finally got the blind calf over it. She has been kept apart from everybody else and I set her up so I never had to go in to care for her to reduce transfer of anything(even so always cared for her last). Now the bigger two have it. One is very middle the other is horrible and it seemed to happen almost over night. Grrrr These are good sized calves so its not so easy for me to fight with them these days to treat them, but I manage.
I always plan around the time I need to shower, that way when I am done rolling around in their ringworm with them I can come in, wash my clothes and shower. On the neck spots I have been spraying blue kote, around the eyes and face I have been putting athletes foot cream on. With as bad as the one is im sure I will end up with it. Several have told me to just let it run its course but that can take up to a year and I really dont want every other animal in the barn as well as us humans catching it.
Any suggestions?
I always plan around the time I need to shower, that way when I am done rolling around in their ringworm with them I can come in, wash my clothes and shower. On the neck spots I have been spraying blue kote, around the eyes and face I have been putting athletes foot cream on. With as bad as the one is im sure I will end up with it. Several have told me to just let it run its course but that can take up to a year and I really dont want every other animal in the barn as well as us humans catching it.
Any suggestions?