Mary, I am so very sorry to hear this sad news. You know how I feel about daughters of old Tattoo(at least, the three I've 'seen', either in person or in pics, have all been NICE mares, and excellent producers...yours, mine, and one that Laura had). I did not until you posted this AM know the 'whole' story of how you found, and liberated, your Lady...what a blessing you were for her, and how wonderful that she lived on in your loving care!
My Melody started out similarly...a foal at side when she was not yet 3, when I saw and chose her from a large herd at least, no one had put a cow tag in her ear(what a horrid thing to do to a horse, esp. a tiny one...).
My heart is with you after your devastating loss, but surely you will meet her at the Bridge again some day. Melody is doing well at nearing 29; yet I know the time I will lose her is coming, and I can hardly stand to consider it.
All my condolences,