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Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2005
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South Central, KY
OMG my husband of 8 years has recently (maybe 8 months ago) started snoring.....really, really loud. I can no longer sleep in the same room with him. This is very upsetting to me. You see, this is my second marriage. I spent 20 years of my life sleeping on the sofa because hubbie #1 snored so loudly. This time around, beside finding someone who is my soulmate, I found someone who didn't snore, until now. It is very, very loud. I can actually hear it thru the closed bedroom door. This is really upsetting me for several reasons. 1) I've already spent 20 years sleeping on the sofa and I'm not too thrilled to have to face that again. 2) This means no vacations - ever. How can we go on a cruise if I won't sleep the entire time? And a visit to our grandbaby is out of the question - no sleeping in the spare bedroom for both of us. Sigh. Right now I'm in our spare bedroom but I think this spring my daughter will be coming to live with us and then where will I sleep? I've cried and cried about this. It seems such a little thing, but it has huge consequences. Please, someone must have a remedy. Isn't there anything I can do? I've even thought that if I can't stop his snoring, maybe I can get a prescription sleeping pill?

Okay, here's what you need to do. Make an appointment with his regular medical doctor and ask him/her to order a sleep study. Chances are you husband has sleep apnea. If he does, they will get him a CPAP machine which provides constant positive air pressure which basically stops the snoring. My husband snored for years and this little machine has been terrific. It's so quiet that I sometimes check to make sure he's still breathing.
In the meantime get a good pair of earplugs and use them.
My guy snores so loud I've given up trying to sleep thro it. I started wearing earplugs to bed several years ago and I actually get to sleep again. Properly positioned I not even hardly hear him but the sound of my own heart beat makes a remarkably soothing background sound that I fall asleep to easily. It does have some drawbacks, I can't hear the phone if it rings but I do always hear the alarm in the morning (too bad , lol) And do try to remember your guy isn't keeping you awake on purpose even tho when you are exhausted it feels that way.
Absolutely a sleep study, you could save his life should he have sleep apnea. I have used a CPAP for years and no longer snore as long as I use it.
I agree with the others that have said he most likely has sleep apnea. If that's the case then getting him a CPAP is necessary for both his health and yours of course too with your lack of sleep. I remember growing up listening to my dad snore so loud I could hear it all the way upstairs, through his shut door AND mine. He was finally diagnosed with sleep apnea, got his CPAP machine, and not only wakes up feeling better rested himself, I do too when I go to visit
Ditto what everyone else has said. Is he overweight? A smoker? Moderate drinker? Any or all of these things can lead to sleep apnea (and more). Losing weight, stopping smoking, and cutting down on drinking would lessen if not cure it (if any of those things pertain to him).
Funny thing...he doesn't drink, at all and has never smoked. He is also most definitely NOT overweight. And this snoring thing is recent. Sorta like sudden onset snoring, although it is NOT funny. It really stresses me out, not sleeping and then having to function the next day. In addition, I feel guilty if I have to wake him up to go sleep in the guest room and if I go sleep in there I don't sleep well as the mattress doesn't do my back much good. So there is constantly this elephant in the room here. I'll bring up the sleep study thing. No matter how much it costs, it would be worth it if we can find a way to sleep together again. I really, really miss that.
At our local hospital the sleep study for sleep apnea is a free service.
There are several health issues that can be the cause... I would wonder about having his Doctor giving him a very good check-up...especially as this is something new.
I agree with having the sleep study done! I had it done (thankfully I did not have sleep apnea) and it is a VERY simple "test". You take a sleeping pill (I took Ambian) , you go into a very quiet private room, they hook you up to all these wires and you go to sleep. They record the results from the wires and also watch/video you sleeping. When you wake up, you go

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