Rowdy's first parade

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Apr 20, 2005
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Southwest Oklahoma
His first all over bath came first. He did better than I feared. Felt good to give his tail and mane a good soaking in antifungal shampoo.

This morning after hitching we stopped at the vendor who was doing body painting. I had arranged with them the night before about painting stars on Rowdy. They made a large star stencil for him. My sister helped me, acting as header. Got the first star on him, then he had to back into a small box area to paint his other side. That went pretty well. I did not know what was used for the paint; it is human cosmetic color and surgical spray adhesive. Supposed to wash right off.

He was pretty good before the parade as long as I kept him moving. He was too keyed up to stand. We did lots or circles, which was good for him. They had us with the riding club but I refused that location. The biggies don't like the cart and some are scared of little horses. (The US Army had a caisson there and the officer was mounted separate from the caisson team; his horse thought Rowdy/cart were going to eat him). Ended up just going amongst some vehicles.

He did well as along as the parade kept moving, but when it stopped, he got upset so I had to do circles on the route. People always want to pet the horse, but he was too keyed to allow it.

I think he did pretty well for a first parade. Dog and horse and woman were very glad to get home and relax!

The caisson horses do not wear blinders and I asked the officer about that. He said military horses do not wear blinders; they are trained to do some thinking for themselves and need to see all around them, as though on a battlefield.



I HAD to quick login to comment on this (that I quoted:)

"He said military horses do not wear blinders; they are trained to do some thinking for themselves and need to see all around them, as though on a battlefield."

Imagine that....asking our partners to think for themselves!!! To me, this is my goal in training. To have a PARTNER who THINKS. I don't want either myself or my horse to just react...too often that can lead to a calamity.

Thank you so very much for sharing and I love the stars!! Did they wash off easily?

Gotta run, please keep sharing as I read your posts with great interest.
We made the newspaper. The city about 50 miles away, Lawton, sent out a reporter to cover the parade. Ft Sill, the Army base there, sends the caissons and a marching band. The reporter really liked Rowdy and our patriotic presentation, I think.

I'm not sure what to think about the photo of us he chose to use. This was the time when Rowdy did not want to stand still and I had to direct him into some circles during the route.

About the blinders: notice Rowdy isn't wearing any. I believe he works better being able to see all around him.

Have not tried to wash off the stars yet, but they are already wearing off so they probably won't last long.
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You guys look amazing, so happy for you. My students are beinging a few minis to the 4th of July parade this year. Looking forward to it.
That is great and THANK YOU for sharing the pic of the Caisson unit.

As to blinders - I've both used them and not used them. I try to work with our ponies both ways. I do have a couple that work MUCH better without them and a couple that really do better when they have them. They still think, but it allows/helps them to keep their focus on "their job" rather than "looking all about". I have always thought of our ponies of being "thinking" individuals and NOT just cardboard cutouts or packers. IMO, most minis force a person to think, too and that is why I find that they are inappropriate for some people, LOL.

Rowdy looked good and I LOVED your turnout.

As to the pic that the newspaper used - I, too, really would not have liked it. Probably most HORSE PEOPLE wouldn't - to us, it's not a good representation of proper responding. But a non-horse person would probably say that you are both having a good time, because you are BOTH "LAUGHING", LOL. And until someone else (my non-horsey hubby) pointed it out, I would never have thought of it that way!

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