Thank You Larry for posting the picture for me. :aktion033: Your getting that malt at the fair or your choice of a treat, you too Lavonne!
I just got my very first professional show pics in the mail today from Jodie French Photography(Jodie goes by Gene here on the forum and lurks from time to time
: )
I'm very proud of this picture, Rose give it her all, that's for sure. :bgrin I get to laughing cause I see that eye of's always aware of "what's up and going on?"
Jodie did an excellent job catching Rose looking super nice!
: I hadn't even thought of pictures that day as everything was so busy. Someone told me, you better go look at the proofs up on the board. Sure glad Jodie was there
Marnie, those 2 ladies in the ring were the judges for the AMHA show.
: I didn't realize they were in the pic until today. Neat to see Rose's first judges in the pic. They liked Rose in the color classes.
: My favorite color of horse are bays.....especially with dark points.
It is an amazing thing to see your horse all groomed up with a show halter on.....hard to explain.It has been a dream come true for me thanks to good friends.
Rose is like a mini quarter horse and in June I asked on the forum for you all to share your quarter horse styled mini's and you did and encouraged me to give showing a try........wanted to share this pic with you. Thanks for looking! :saludando: