Sad day here and VERY unusual experience.

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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[SIZE=18pt]Some of you know that our family friend and my youngest daughters father in law was ill with cnacer of the mouth, Diagnosed by the dentist in Oct, had surgery to remove the floor of his mouth and part of his lower jaw, took bone from his leg twice to try to build bone back in his face, took muscle from his chest to hold this bone in place December 16th. Things were going well they moved him to a regular room at Christmas. Last thursday he arrested twice and because they had no written instructions he was placed on a ventilator. Saturday Amy and her husband TJ were at their house and found a note he wrote bout not wanting to be on life support. Yesterday afternoon they pulled the plug. Last night I was very restless even tho I took a unisom to help me sleep. At 1215 I got up to go to the bathroom over an hour after going to bed. When I got back into bed I had a feeling that if I opened my eyes I would see Greg standing in the doorway so I made sure i didnt because it was scaring me. I asked God to give me peace and let me sleep and he wouldnt I felt like I had to tell Greg that it was ok to go.... I prayed again and asked God to give Greg peace to let go.... Greg had no brain activity since thursday so we know he was alaready brain dead but I kept feeling that he needed permission to go..... I prayed again for God to give Greg and Dede peace that it was alright to die. This morning Amy called me to tell me that at 1225 Greg finally passed away. Did our spirits really meet in the night???? I dont know... All I know is that by 1230 I had peace too and that was the last I remember checking the clock before I fell into a very sound and restful sleep. I wanted to share this today for what its worth.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=18pt]... I asked God to give me peace and let me sleep and he wouldnt I felt like I had to tell Greg that it was ok to go.... I prayed again and asked God to give Greg peace to let go.... Greg had no brain activity since thursday so we know he was alaready brain dead but I kept feeling that he needed permission to go..... I prayed again for God to give Greg and Dede peace that it was alright to die. This morning Amy called me to tell me that at 1225 Greg finally passed away. Did our spirits really meet in the night???? I dont know... All I know is that by 1230 I had peace too and that was the last I remember checking the clock before I fell into a very sound and restful sleep. I wanted to share this today for what its worth.[/SIZE]

That is such a powerful thing you experienced Lyn. Yes I do believe we do sometimes connect with those who are passing over. I'm sorry to hear about your friend but I'm glad he's at peace now and I'm sure your prayers were heard and answered.
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I am a firm believer, Lyn. My feeling on this is that perhaps Greg came to you to let you know that his wife and family would need you. Being a good friend perhaps that is all he wanted from you. Never be afraid Lyn, it is such a benevelent feeling. I'm sure he understood your nervous reaction and God guided him along peacefully. You all have my heartfelt condolences and sympathy.



I too, have had this experience. Several years ago, a friend I worked with at a clinic was diagnosed with lung cancer. She was much older than I, but we were very close. She was such a fighter, but at the end, she was ready to go. On that day, she was feeling really bad and called a mutual friend to take her to the hospital. She was too weak to even get out of bed. Our friend picked me up at the clinic and drove around the corner to her house so I could help get Margaret in the car. The look she gave me told me what was to come even though I didn't want to believe it. We got her in the car, I gave her a hug and told her I would come visit tomorrow. She told me she wouldn't be there. I told her to stay positive she was going to beat this and I was going to see her tomorrow. The rest of the day was filled with worry and concern. That night, after checking in with our friend, I went to bed. I couldn't sleep, the dog wouldn't let me sleep, and something was just off. It was 10:15pm when I looked at the clock and the dog finally laid down next to me.

The next morning I learned Margaret had passed away at 10:15pm. Several times in the months that followed I felt her presence. The sensation would even go as far as smelling her perfume. It never scared me, just reassured that she knew how much I missed her.

Oddly, in the last couple weeks, I've experienced other things that can't be explained. It's not Margaret I know. But what ever it is, doesn't seem to be aggressive.
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