Well-Known Member
my mares were all very good about me touching them everywhere but they did get snotty about it when they were about to foal so who knows

Well, she's definitely gotten clingy. When I go out there, she doesn't even stop grazing to nicker. If another horse would have been in the vicinity, I'd thought it wasn't her! She comes to me immediately when I go out there, so I had to wait forever to get a side shot of her. I took the shot of her from behind while I was on the porch. When I walk away, she walks with me. When I run, she runs with me. If I stop, she stops. If I try to look at her tail or udder, she immediately turns into me so that I will pet her face. It's adorable! I'm just not used to it!Have also had a few mares who suddenly became very over-loving and clingy - they foaled within 2 days!!