Haha, EITHER after paying out over $700.00 in Vet bills in the last two months.
Please be careful. We learned a expenisive lesson on this one. But thankfully
our foals will be okay. Once we get the salt out of their systems.
I like everyone thought they were great, all horses needed one. Hum.. I put one in the stalls with them. I put one in each of foaling stalls. Well our filly Lacey and her dam Mystic did not pay much attention to it. Thank You Lord.
Unfortuntly our tiny filly and our colt did. We have been battling Diarrhea in our
barn with the colt for 2 months. We kept taking him to the Vet, ran test after test and after test. Nothing, nope, could not find the cause. Well, I had bought them one at a time. I know his stall was the first one to get one. Then I saw the filly licking it, so I bought her one. Funny, they were about a month old each when they got their salt blocks. Well, the filly starts diarrhea. I called the vet and told him. We started all the treatments. We have been going over everything to try to figure out why two foals had diarrhea. The third filly is fine, no problems. We continued our quest in WHY??
Well, after 2 months of searching we found our problem. It is the salt block. Seems these two babies are licking on it, then instead of nursing, which is what I thought they would do. They turned to the water. Well, they becamed obessed with the salt and water. The filly was drinking so much water, that her dam was drying up. I had to strip her bag of all the hard milk. I finally was able to get her milk back. But it took a while, and I had to do several days of bottle feeding.
I learned the bladder can only hold so much water and then it went into the intestines. Which caused them to have diarrhea. I comfirmed this with our Vet. He said this is it. This is why the diarrhea looks like water. They are on water over load. Way to much salt in their bodies. He told me, with the new feeds out there. They have salt in them. Unless you are pastureing your horses, they don't need the extra salt, meaning he told me unless I was not graining them. We removed the salt blocks. Our foals have been healthy, playing babies, except the diarrhea. The third filly Lacey No problems. Our Vet felt once we get the salt cleared from them, they will be fine, and go back to normal poop.
So please be careful with salt blocks, especially with the foals. Please make sure they are not becoming obessed with them. Our foals will be okay, Thank You Lord.
Please no flames. Its been a long two months trying to find why two of our babies have had diarrhea. Its been a costly two months. It was so hard to have tell my dad that $1 something salt block cost $700 + dollars. But the most important thing is our babies will be okay. With med's and care they will be okay.
Just be careful