BTW, I woulda kicked my husband's BUTT if he woulda shooed off a dog looking like that - it woulda been World War III around here
Well, you can kick mine too then! I have also shooed MANY away! These dogs are most often like feral dogs. They are not fed, so have to hunt (sometimes by themselves, sometimes in small packs) to survive. They are fleas and lice from head to toe, are loaded, and I mean LOADED with engorged ticks in the summer, are all skinny and just left to multiply and fend for themselves...they say this is why there are no cats on the reserves, because the dogs end up killing them for food
, and I believe it, because it's true, you rarely see a cat there. We have had problems with them running deer through our property and also going after my horses from time to time, and have even had to shoot some because of that. Believe me, these dogs are far better off dead! I cannot be bringing these dogs all home, and I surely don't want them hanging around here to pass disease/worms/fleas/lice/mange etc. onto my dogs, so no, I sure won't be upset with him chasing off dogs. Yes, I was VERY upset about this one after he told me the condition she was in, as I knew she was at death's door, but if he would have just told me there was a dog here, on the couch in the garage and he shooed it off, and ended the story there, I would not have tried helping it, and I would have been happy that he did shoo it along it's way. It was because he said she was in such poor condition, that he thought he would have been kinder to end her suffering than to shoo her away.
I have taken in many of these dogs that wander in here over the years....from pups to adults, and have gone to the expense of getting them healthy, treating them, and getting them fixed and then rehome them, but no, I surely cannot afford to do this on a regular basis, nor would I want to. There are just some "special" ones that come along, and they call to my heart enough to do something. So no, I am not an angel, and I do turn my back on so many, but that is just a part of life...I am not going to take from the health and welfare of my own dogs to help others that are poor candidates for adoption. You and others may feel it is "cold" of me, and think less of me and my husband for turning our backs on so many and shoo them along their way, but I go to sleep at night knowing I do help to save some, and those "some" are better than none.