Took the girls over to play around at the neighbor's ring today. They ran around for a while then I did some clicker work with Kass (working on sit and jumping off lead) that my brother helped with. I've been free lunging them, I thought I'd never be able to do liberty with Kassie because of the catching part, but she is wonderful. Next year...
Here are some of miss Sassy Kassie just doing her thing (bit blurry, camera is all whacko and needs to be sent in for repairs)
Kass knows far more tricks than either of my dogs and is so quick and such a ham. She knows she's my girl. :love
Down, yes I was lying with her haha
Jumping off lead, she has done up to 2 ft. like this. Eventually I aim to do a full course off lead but we have a ways to go.
I asked Thompson to lead her around so I could try and get some trotting shots.... first she was a good girl...
....but ya see, this is why we call her Sassy Kassie
Who's leading who?
Airborne! They're both off the ground here.
And here's my little Covergirl, I'm training her to drive, if the pictures were any good you'd be able to see why
Excuse my brother's expression I don't know WHAT was going on
After this we raised the pole and she cleared 33 inches.
And this has got to be the cutest picture of the day. You always see girls and their horses....but what about the boys and their favorite horses? Thompson with 'his little princess'.
Thanks for looking at my girls.
Here are some of miss Sassy Kassie just doing her thing (bit blurry, camera is all whacko and needs to be sent in for repairs)
Kass knows far more tricks than either of my dogs and is so quick and such a ham. She knows she's my girl. :love
Down, yes I was lying with her haha
Jumping off lead, she has done up to 2 ft. like this. Eventually I aim to do a full course off lead but we have a ways to go.
I asked Thompson to lead her around so I could try and get some trotting shots.... first she was a good girl...
....but ya see, this is why we call her Sassy Kassie
Airborne! They're both off the ground here.
And here's my little Covergirl, I'm training her to drive, if the pictures were any good you'd be able to see why
Excuse my brother's expression I don't know WHAT was going on
And this has got to be the cutest picture of the day. You always see girls and their horses....but what about the boys and their favorite horses? Thompson with 'his little princess'.
Thanks for looking at my girls.
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