Saw the Real Housewives for the first time

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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I've only seen little bits here and there of the show before but never really sat down to watch a whole episode. Saw the New Jersey wives, the California wives, and the New York wives.

So I think I have it down now:

They all go shopping and spend endless tons of money on clothing and jewelry and then do lunch.

Talk about each other behind each other's backs at lunch.

Then they stop off at the Dr. and get some botox and a "chest" lift.

Go home and start texting and making phone calls to gossip.

Then everyone starts fighting about who said what to who.

Then they get evicted and get their homes foreclosed?

Then they all go to a party and fight there too.

Seems to me they have way too much time on their hands!
You said it Marty! I totally agree with you!
I've never watched any of them.... too ridiculous for me and you pretty much summed up what I thought was the 'plot'. If that is a typical housewife... well, ok.
Sure isn't like that in my neighborhood - and I'm so glad. Shows like that make women appear to be complete idiots.

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