I took all of my kids to see the statue of the Virgin Mary today and they allowed people to take pictures so I of course took some. A lot, but not enough to be disrespectful. I worried about that. There was a small crowd gathered and people kept coming and stopping to see. Some prayed, some stared, some wept, a groupf of five or so women were singing in Vietnamese to Christ, beautifully I might ad in there. Whether you personally believe it to be true or not, it is a sight to see. And to be there in person was pretty incredible for me and for my kids. I am glad I went.
Now on to the pictures.
I tried to get different views so from teh pictures you would understand what it is like where the statue is, it is in front of a church and right by the parking lot. you can see the statue from the road (busy road too) as you drive by.
The first picture is a full shot of the statue, she is depicted here as standing at the top of the world, at her feet there is a serpent with a peice of fruit in its mouth, she looks to be standing on the serpent.
The next one is so you can see where the tears/blood hits when it falls, right by her heart, which struck me when I saw it.
Next is a close up of her face so you can really see the tears.
Another close up, but not soo close so you can see teh halo as well.
A little different angle of her face.
And a full shot of teh whole scene, just happened that right when I took this everyoen stepped off to teh side. It ws weird because the whole front by the gate there, was full of people when I walked over to get this shot, but then when I put my camera up to my cheek, no one was there, they had all stepp off to the side. hard to believe but there are actually about thrity people standing right there.
I hope you enjoy the pictures. I sure am glad I went and saw this. Real or not, it is effecting people in positive ways around here so, to me, thats a miracle!
Now on to the pictures.
I tried to get different views so from teh pictures you would understand what it is like where the statue is, it is in front of a church and right by the parking lot. you can see the statue from the road (busy road too) as you drive by.
The first picture is a full shot of the statue, she is depicted here as standing at the top of the world, at her feet there is a serpent with a peice of fruit in its mouth, she looks to be standing on the serpent.

The next one is so you can see where the tears/blood hits when it falls, right by her heart, which struck me when I saw it.

Next is a close up of her face so you can really see the tears.

Another close up, but not soo close so you can see teh halo as well.

A little different angle of her face.

And a full shot of teh whole scene, just happened that right when I took this everyoen stepped off to teh side. It ws weird because the whole front by the gate there, was full of people when I walked over to get this shot, but then when I put my camera up to my cheek, no one was there, they had all stepp off to the side. hard to believe but there are actually about thrity people standing right there.

I hope you enjoy the pictures. I sure am glad I went and saw this. Real or not, it is effecting people in positive ways around here so, to me, thats a miracle!
