Scam - looks like paypal

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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2004
Reaction score
Newaygo, MI
I received a receipt from paypal today that said I paid someone $400...which of course, I never did. The receipt looked exactally like a regular paypal receipt. It even has a "dispute transaction" link on it. When you click on that it looks just like paypal, it asks you to log in....well if you do, bingo they've got your acct. password. Thank heavens I did not log in, what I did first was open a new browser and went to my paypal acct to view the history to see if there really was a transaction, and of course there was not, so I forwarded the email to [email protected]. Paypal confirmed that this email was indeed a scam to get my password.

Be very looked so real, exactly like a paypal receipt.
Some of these scams are so well done! We have to be very careful, you did exactly what you should, good job!!
I got the same one and to be sure, I changed my pass word. I figured it wouldn't hurt. The scammers get more gutsy every day.

I got something that looked like it was from PayPal but wanted you to respond to looked just like PayPal's too.
HI Sonya, My twin sister didn't even get that far. Somehow when she was doing a lot of small transactions on Paypal 2 yrs ago someone got in and charged $4800.00 on her account!

Paypal caught it just in time and notified her.! And it took a lwhile but she was saved in the long run given a new account and password. so yes be very careful out there, even though it says secure nothing really ever is foolproof! She could have just be out nearly $5,000.

You know if these theives would put as much energy/work into a legitimate honest job, they would probably be very successful people. They go to such great lengths to scam someone, to bad they don't put that energy into being a productive member of society.
I got that same email today... My goodness scared me to death
said I had paid someone $380 to someone... I thought oh no this is going to throw my account all out of wack!! We'll I went to a new browser and went to paypal and checked and that it wasn't true, I immediatley went and sent that to the paypal scam department. It is very scary how they are working

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