Selling a horse on payments

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I just sold 2 mares tonight on payment. It will prob take these ladies a long time to pay for them but that is ok. It can be nerve racking.
Here's a question..

I bought a stud in summer that I used payments to pay. When he turned out to be more to handle than they portrayed him to be, I asked if they would take him back. They said no. But they want their money. I had to GIVE the stallion away, he was that bad to handle, and I am going to be paying for him for a long time. Do I have to legally pay them still if they refused to take him back??

I would think you do, unless you had some sort of return contract. But I'm just speculating.
I am also one who has been very thankful for those sellers who are willing to do payments. All of those sellers let me take my horses home before sold in full. Some I paid half of and then made payments on the remaining balance. Others I only put down a few hundred & then made payments. I have also sold a horse on payments to help out someone who I thought provided a very good home for my horse and have no regrets on doing so. One time I had a contract, the other time I did not and both times were good experiences. One buyer even came back & bought another foal from me. I just followed my gut instinct. I have been on both sides of the fence, so can sympathise either way. I will say when I made payments on some of the horses I got though the furtherest the seller was from me was about 5-6 hrs. good luck either way!
I've sold a few on payments and it worked great. I didn't let them go though until they were mostly paid for and if it is a mare in foal they must do final payment by the time the foal is born or the foal will be mine (kind of gets people to try and get them paid off by then). As others said I think I have to get the right feeling about them and mostly I'd say, sure, to payments but they can't leave till paid for

I have been talking to a well known farm around these parts about buying a couple mares on payments. She is totally willing to work with me and keep the payments within my budget range. She is willing to let the horses leave whenever I choose. She will keep the papers, but will sign a breeding/show lease so that essentially, they are mine. She about an hour +/- away. I've never delt with her before, but we got a good vibe from eachother when I came out to look at the horses.
The interested lady is trying to find some free time to come down and see the boys.. She's a little over an hour away so within reasonable distant.. Hopefully she can get some time to come down, look at the boys and then we can sit down and discuss payment options and a sales contract! :aktion033:
Hey, now i'm going to talk from the buyers point of view! I have bought all my horses on payment plans, and was allowed to bring them home with as little as $500 down (say on a $2500 horse). (ok so I did pay for ONE in full but on a credit card so I am still paying that one off LOL!). Anyhow...I just wanted to say for me, purchasing a horse on a payment plan and being trusted to take home the horse while paying is just awesome! Not only do I get to enjoy bonding with my new little him or her, but, I get to show the seller that I am trustworthy for my word of paying off what I owe. I have never not paid in full. Sure, things happen and once in a while a payment may be a few days or a week late but, I always kept in touch with the seller to keep them aware of what was going on and that the payment would be mailed on X date for sure...none of that "oh it'll be in the mail" and it is never received kind of crap. I do feel really bad when a seller is taken advantage of and someone decides oh, they have the horse and now they don't need to send payment anymore! That makes honest buyers such as myself, be in more strict situations and guidelines.

One thing for sure, if you sell the horse on payments and let them leave before being paid in full, do NOT send along registration paperwork. Mail the registration papers only after the horse has been paid in full, otherwise that's when you can get the people who think they have everything, horse and papers, so why send anymore money?

Good luck! Just know that there are more of us honest, trust-worthy buyers out there, than there are people who would rather cheat you. Just be cautious, make up a good contract that covers YOUR butt in all areas, and know that your horse is going to a good home!

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