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Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2004
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Straits Area Michigan
I know it's silly, but it's been a long time coming. Carl bought her for me a long time ago and FINALLY after a long hard Winter up here Shammy girl is coming home next Saturday! I will forever be grateful to Fran Newberry for her generosity in letting us wait until the roads were cleared up on our bad hill here.

Sonja (Fordney Farms) already knew:) but wanted to tell the rest of you now. I got so excited I got some adrelin going and after two Vicodin I was able to WALK out to the barn myself!

That's a biggie for me. I helped get the old horsetrailer ready. We still have a lot to do to it to update it but just bought it last summer and it's coming along. We want to install padded sides yet and possibly deviders but right now it's open with very thick heavy rubber mats and lined with wooden panels and is painted inside and clean and safe. Bought her new canvas haybags, blanket sheet, trailer boots and are all set to go.

I think she is just what I need to forget my pain and get moving again
: I hope my old Mavica digital camera works and I can post a picture or two when we get home.

Life is good.

Thanks for reading,

Maxine :bgrin
I am SO happy and excited for you Maxine!!!! :aktion033:

I can just feel your excitement!!! There is nothing quite like knowing your new little one will be home shortly, and the anticipation that brings!!!

Please let us know how the trip goes, and when she makes it home, safe and sound, ok??? Oh! And pics would be GREAT!!!!!!


I'm sOOOOOO happy for you !!

Please post lots of pictures when you get her home. Have a safe (and uneventful) trip and most of all....CONGRATULATIONS!!!
Oh Maxine, that is so great! A happy spring present! :aktion033: Can't wait to see her.
Oh, there's nothing like that I gotta new horse feeling!!! I look forward to seeing pictures of your new little lady!!!
Thanks for the replys. I hope they get along well. I know Shammy and Shadow will, they are the same size and he's a quiet gelding..but I will watch little Shortcake as she's only 27" and Shammy's a 35" mare. Shadow and Shortcake are so so close, you know two's company , three"s a crowd thing.

Shammy had a couple babies of her own so hopefully will be kind to Shortcake and I will put in seperate turn out for couple days to start with. And I will be out there with my new girl hopefully bonding with her a lot too.

Don't I sound silly? Taped that Clinton Anderson thing on RFD the other day at Houk ranch, and saw what must be 30 or more minis running in a pasture..but these three are all we'll ever have, each is a treasure to us and I guess we just dwell on each one a bit too much..

you'll see..when you get older you do that with kids too. :bgrin

Anyway was just wondering anyone's experience with new mares and other mares being put together when one is so much smaller..

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That's super Maxine. I can hear your excitement. CONGRATULATIONS!
Maxine, Glad to hear Shammy is finally coming home. We sure will miss her around here but it is so nice to know she is going to someone who is going to love and adore her the way you already do. Fran sure did a wonderful job finding the right person for Shammy. I'm sure she will fit in great with your other horses, she is a good girl.

Thank you Tammi, we can't wait. We feel bad we don't have a very fancy place, no pasture, just turn out but ours do better that way.

She has her own new stall and safe and secure surroundings..

sounds like one of those ads for dates doesn't it LOL

"Likes long walks on the beach etc,

but ours DO like the long walks in the woods and personal attention so hopefully that will make up for glitzy or ritzy or fancy.

Clean, safe and secure can go a long way to Equine happiness. Oh I have to give it up and quit all this talk now. Saturday will be here before you know it. More important things for forum to discuss :bgrin

Maxine --

Just my opinion, but I think the mares will get along fine after they adjust to each other so long as they have enough room (like are not in a tiny pen together). And, the bigger one may end up the boss but the size probably will NOT be a factor. In my experience, the boss mare is boss due to her personality, not her size.


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