Share Your Embarrassing or Funny Horse Show Stories

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Aspiring Cowgirl
Nov 30, 2002
Reaction score
Spotsy., VA (USA)
Just in case it could make anyone smile (I can sure laugh at myself...), the first time my parents came to a horse show, it was a local one and Derby (my former show stallion, now he's one of my geldings) was the only stallion at the show and there were lots of quarter horse mares, some of whom were in heat. Derby was in rare form and I was not very used to showing any horses (my former trainer normally showed him). I was really excited and proud that my parents came to watch the show

There were lots of kids and families at the show, not to mention my own parents. Very much a family style event

Well, Derby got dead last in the halter class! He normally would win those things against the big horses and I was kind of embarrassed (maybe even hurt feelings back then...). So, I obviously was the last to leave the ring and the judge came over to me and said:

"You have a very nice boy there, but he was a little bit too excited for this show."

Still, duh, I had no clue what he meant. Derby stood really still for me...

As soon as I get to the gate with my green ribbon, my former trainer pretty much screams at me that Derby was masturbating during the whole class...


We were lined up head to tail opposite the fence were everyone including mom and dad, got a full view of Derby exercising his weenie. Basically, everyone but me could see what Derby was doing.

You know what I think Derby would say if he could have talked?


"Look ma -- no hands!"

Horses have NO shame!!!


[SIZE=14pt]Now, Please Tell Us About Your Funny Horse Show Stories![/SIZE]
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Quite a few years ago when my friend and I were showing Arabs, the University of Illinois had a nice late Fall open show held at their Livestock Pavilion. No stalling, just show out of your trailer (which had to be parked in a paved parking lot). Adjoining that parking lot was a HUGE, LONG grassy area. Said grassy area had no tape, rope, boundaries or anything around it. Footing was nice and firm, no mud. Of course most of the exhibitors (myself included) made use of that grassy area to work our horses in before our classes. After several hours of that, we noticed a crowd gathering at the far end of the grass strip. Oddly enough, they all seemed to be dressed alike (and we aren't talking "street clothes"). Right before our somewhat remorseful eyes came marching line after line of the University of Illinois Marching Band, all chanting (Horse S**t-Horse S**t-Horse S**t). Unknowingly we'd been using their practice area.
There's a story from my younger days using showsheen at an open show for a halter class and then running barrels on the same horse that afternoon. :eek: I'll leave it to your imagination.
I have 2
: My very first year showing...and the first show that I was by myself (person showing me the ropes couldn't go)...I decided to take my stallion (now gelding) into liberty. Well he was acting a little dumpy that I gave him some extra alfalfa pellets hoping to pep him up a little. Well...that worked. We barely made it into the arena...Tazz had been shown for a few years and knew what liberty he was all worked up. So away he went...RAN the whole when it came time to catch him we were getting down to the wire...he wasn't ready to be caught yet. Finally he decides to cut me some slack. Well he has a "thing" about being haltered from the right just isn't going to happen...left side only. I tried getting the halter on from the he took off...I tried to hold on...I lost...I ended up face first in the dirt. And if that wasn't enough...he turned around and saw I was laying in the decided he would do the was just lovely! I was SOOOO embarassed

Next...was actually a show about a month ago...with my driving mare. Well to say she's spoiled is probably an understatement
: She's my baby...and she probably acts more like my dog than my horse. Well we had a roadster class. So we go into the class and she drove awesome...I couldn't have asked for a better drive. We're standing in line and next thing I know all 3 of the judges are over looking at her mouth. Finally 1 of the judges comes over and says "I'm really sorry had a great drive and you would have won the class...but your horse is bleeding so we have to disqualify you". So while it really sucked...I'm WAY more concerned about what I did to make my horse bleed. She is one of the lightest horses I've ever we go out and try to figure out what she did. My hubby and Annette (HHP) can't figure it finally my hubby didn't feed her anything did you??? I grab her face and smell the crusty red foam on her lips...well...I had fed her twizzlers as I was harnessing her...sure enough...I smelled strawberry on those lips...whoops...I did tell the judges in her next class...I figured they might get a kick out of it...everyone else was snickering! The next show I went to my mare's driving trainer was there (they had another show that weekend)...they were nice enough to leave me boxes of twizzlers in all of my sympathetic huh! :bgrin

Ok I was at Nationals 2 years ago I think it was..My mare was pretty much done with showing halter and needed to retire (in her mind anyway) she did well with Raven in youth and here I go into Ammy nervous as can be. I am fine at local shows but at Nationals is just somehow feels everyone is watching you- now I know I am not that important but still how I feel. I managed to get one of the coveted last spots into the ring

Anyway doing the walk to the judges and thank god for the big ol center ring(t least no one in the stands on the more used side could see) cause there was a judge on each side and the one you walk to... and my horse bites me in the butt... ok that isnt the embarassing part.. I actually STOPPED and looked back at the judge on my right as if he waited till I came in to grab my butt... well once I did that.. that was it he was cracking up - I hear the other judges laughing and me I want to crawl into a hole and die...

As if that wasnt enough she then proceeded to eat my button off my jacket and when the same judge came to us there I was fighting with her to pull it out of her mouth...

Some how though even thru all of that we managed to pull off a 10th

I will never forget how stupid I must have looked (and felt) when I stopped and stared at him as if he was waiting his whole life to grab my big old behind in the middle of the show ring no less.
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Oh I love stories I have so many!

My husband and I were at a show. My husband was walking our yearling colt around just outside the door waiitng for his class. I was in the stands, I had just set down to watch his class.

I then heard some racket outside the entrace to the arena just behind where I was sitting. I turned to look and saw our colt galloping by the door, and a second later saw my husband galloping after him. Darn chain had broke. :lol:

Our colt ran right up to a gal holding her horse just to say "hello" and she started screaming "no no no" and started running in circles.

Everyone in the class at that present time, including the judges, turned to look to see what the heck was going on.

Our colt then galloped inside the door husband running behind and ran infront of the bleechers where my husband finally caught him after he ripped a button of his show jacket.

I'll never forget the poor gal running in circles screaming no no no.

Oh yes, have to mention the time that my husband was JUST about to enter the ring at the R Nationals in Tulsa a few years ago and a bird had pooped down the side of his face and onto his tuxedo. :new_shocked: :new_shocked:

Luckiliy I carry a lot of rags on me and tried fantically to wipe it off. Got it off of his face and most of it off of his tux but there was still a bit of "white" left that I couldn't totally get rid of.
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I'm at my first AMHA show. Very nervous.. I walk past the judges, just start to trot

away... Little John rears and hits me in the mouth (front teeth). The judges all run over....

making sure I'm ok... I feel like an IDIOT!!!! and my front teeth feel like they

are in the back of my head.... I collect myself and proceed to trot away,

WAY FAR AWAY... LOL OMG I was SO embarrassed :eek: Peas had this

look on her face,,, hehehehe like "what in the world is WRONG with that chick???!!! LOL

Then the next the regionals... again,,, very nervous... I trot away,

Semi coughed and the lead flew out of my hand...... *YIKES* OMG.... here we go again...

entertaining the people on the rail..... :eek:

Oh, and Little John kicked a judge IN HIS LAST halter class of his show life!

I could go on,,, but now I'm laughing so hard... I can't type..

We call this FUN??!!!

:aktion033: Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant, just what I needed to read today, you guys have had me falling off my chair with laughter, although Jill I have to say your story was the best! :bgrin
I love posts like this! And I needed a laugh today. So heres mine. I had watched several friends show our Phebe, so I knew she could do it. my wife talked me into showing her in a hunter hack class. the big horses had finished and the judge asked how low to set the cross bars. I said she could jump them as is but I would have a hard time . everyone laughed. they settled on 18". shure enough when our time came I didnt think I could get my arm up over the upright so just as I tryed to hop over I got tangled in the lead. she over jumped the crossbar by at least 2 feet. this pulled my feet out from under me for a nice back flip into a dirt dive. a real crowd pleaser. we still got third out of four! DR.
Well my story didn't happen at a horse show but at a racecourse. Years ago I worked with horses in Ireland and took a thoroughbred stallion to Tralee races, this is a big meeting and it is televised, remember this fact :bgrin So I walked him around the paddock and around the paddock, he was feeling good and was prancing and dancing, all good so far. Then Angus (barn Name) decides he might like to make out with the horse in front of him, he starts dancing with even more energy and all of a sudden he rears up and leaps through the air like a mad thing, I manage to go through the air with him but as I do the zip on my pants busts, my pants fall down to my knees, I have a wild stallion on the end of a lead and best of all I am being televised to millions of people. Talk about a red face (and other parts), as soon as I could get someone else to take over I ran for the stables and hid for the rest of the day. I can laugh about it now but at the tender age of 17 I was mortified :bgrin :new_shocked:

Great stories LOL. Yvonne I think yours takes the cake! :aktion033:

We've been showing for many years, had our share of oops's and have seen some too.

One of the funniest I will tell on my daughter. When she was a very small 6 or 7 year old, she was showing a gem of an older QH mare. Shadow was about 15, and stood 15'2, lots of horse for a tiny but capable girl.

The gate in the trail class was a rope gate, and the "gate posts" were anchored with hay bales on the ground. When she leaned over the mare's neck to open the gate, Shadow seized the opportunity - she picked up the entire hay bale and slung it, and of course the "gate" tottered and daughter was mortified and everyone in the stands was rolling, which made it worse.

My worst in recent years was probably at Nationals 6 or 7 years ago showing Affirmed Royalty. We had a top ten in Amateur Stallions, and as I tried to juggle ribbon, plaque and horse with slippery hands and lead, the horse part of the combination ducked his little head and took off. He has the strength of a bull when he does this - which I knew - and he was headed for the out gate. I ended up dropping everything, digging in my heels and holding the lead with both hands. He did NOT get away, only thing lost was my self esteem that day a little arena dirt on the ribbon. :eek:

Here's mine... I was showing a yearling colt for a friend, and after we clipped him, we couldn't figure out what these little dots were on his chest. He was a bay, no appy breeding at all, so we were mystified. SO I'm almost late for the class, because they didn't announce it to the barn area. When I get in there the very first judge comes up to me and says he's got mildew! The only thing I could think of to say was "Is that what it is?" Oh, gosh, talk about embarassed! He did really well for me though, and we even ended up with a ribbon.
We had taken our new stallion to a local show, very proud of him, but in the ammy class he placed lower than we thought he should, but he acted like he was asleep during the class and nothing we did seemed to make him wake up.. Oh well. My daughter decided to walk him around the outside of the ring for a while during the lunch break to pep him up a bit.

She was walking past some chairs dragging her lead, and I holler at her to pick it up (remember that part!) Just then the lead (with a stop on the end) managed to wedge itself between the double wheels of a THANK GOD empty baby carriage! Well that certainly woke him up, this big, blue noisy thing chasing him from only 4 feet away. He took off at a dead run, dragging the carriage. It took a few minutes, but we were finally able to catch him and get everything calmed down. We were in the ring for his next class when all of a sudden a patrol car came screaming in to the fairgrounds, lights and sirens blaring, right up the ring. Of course the show stopped, and the officer jumped out of his car and asked where the baby was. What baby? Then a little 7 year old came up, and said she had called 911 when she saw the carriage go flying. What a little trooper! She got a sticker from the officer, and a round of applause for some mighty quick thinking. Oh, and my stallion got 2nd out of 14 - apparently it woke him up
[SIZE=12pt]Here recently I took two very green horses to their first show. My gelding, Speedy (ya right :bgrin ) Goes in his first ever driving class (CP). Most horses when they hear a cart coming from behind, speed up..... not "Speedy" he slows down to let it catch up so he can see what it is :eek: talk about a goof ball
: [/SIZE]

But we took a sixth out of fourteen :bgrin :bgrin


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