was "the box". I don't think I have a photo of it any more...but some here might remember my story about the box back at the time it happened.
I was doing chores one night--it was 2009, early November I think. My mom was recovering from knee surgery, so wasn't out helping with chores. I was out behind the barn when the Morgan mare in the front corral got all upset; she was looking out toward the side pasture. I figured there was a critter of some sort, so I went to the house and got my spotlight. Stupidly I didn't wait until I got to the side gate to shine my light--I shone it out that way when I was part way across the front corral--so much of the pasture was blocked by the tree line. By shining the light when I did, the person out in the pasture had time to run and hide.
When I got to the gate & shone the light around, I saw no critter. Instead, there was "something" lying out in the middle of the pasture. I walked out to look--and found a 2 wheel dolly and a wooden box. The box was old and weathered, wider on the bottom than on the top but was mostly square--it looked like a circus pedestal, with a round hole in the top. I have no idea what it was for, nor where it came from, nor why someone was bothering to trundle it across my pasture on that dolly. Judging by the mare's actions the person had been coming across the pasture from the back corner, which is right at the dividing line between the two neighboring properties. Neither of those 2 neighbors were home that night. Beyond their places there is nothing but open fields and pastures, and a mile beyond--the marsh. So, someone was bringing this box from "out there" across my pasture to somewhere, presumably their home someone in this subdivision. I don't know of any of the neighbors on my street that would bother to do this--there were no kids left on this street at that time, and I cannot see the adults bothering with this box. I assumed when I shone the light I had scared the person & he had dropped the dolly and box and run off. I went back to the house & got Mom, and asked her if she could come out & shine the light while I took my load of hay along the side of that pasture to the horses in the back pasture. I was creeped out. When I got back out there I was even more creeped out--because the box was still there, but the dolly was gone. Whoever it was had not run away when I shone the light the first time--they had merely run and hid in my trees, and were watching while I went out there & looked at the box. CREEPY. I took the box back to the yard and it sat there in the front yard for a few weeks, and finally I tore it apart and threw the boards away. I never did know who had left it out there, or what it was for.
The following spring I discovered that someone had stolen two tires from the yard. The fall before I had rolled two flat tires, on rims, across to the side of the yard (opposite side of the yard from that pasture) left them behind the horse trailer, right inside the tree line. I remember rolling them there, because tires that are flat on one side do not roll well!! That's about 60 feet from the neighbor's house, maybe a couple hundred feet back from the road. Someone would have had to come right into the yard & practically walk into those tires to see them, you wouldn't see them from the road or the driveway. If someone wanted to steal tires, there were two sets of good tires, on rims, about 50 feet further down the tree line. I didn't pay any attention to them of course until late that next spring when I needed the rims to put two new tires on. I went to get them--and they were gone. Even though I knew where I left them, I looked everywhere in the yard to make sure that my memory wasn't shot! No tires--for certain they were gone, which means someone came and took them. Who in their right mind comes into a yard and steals two flat tires? The rims they were on had cost me $10 each from the wrecker. Someone has to be very hard up to steal that!! We always wondered if it was someone getting even for the loss of the wooden box.
A year or two later we were out doing chores one night, and there was a squeaking noise out toward the side pasture. Initially I thought a horse was rubbing on the fence, making it squeak, but then I realized it was further out, where there were no horses, in that side pasture. The squeak from from the wheels of that dolly. Just as I realized that, Mom asked me what was that noise. I yelled my reply so the person would hear: "IT'S THAT PERSON WITH HIS F'N DOLLY AGAIN" Obviously the person heard me because he took off running--this time he was going the opposite way--from the road across to the back corner. I could tell he speeded up because the squeak....squeak...squeak...changed to squeakasqueakasqueakasqueaka.
As far as I know the person with the dolly has never come back through. Since then our German Shepherd would have sounded the alarm--she was just a 4 month old pup the first time and a couple years old the second time, and she didn't get to be a guard dog until after she was 3 years old--he would not get through here undetected now.
And then of course, long before that, there was the little issue with my weird neighbor who would prowl through our trees every night after dark....