Reignmaker Miniatures
Well-Known Member
My SIL sent me a few pictures of our fall drives and since we now have over 10" of snow
I thought I'd share them. Some were taken on Thanksgiving Day (Canadian holiday not US
) and this is the road we live on that we enjoy doing day drives down. We can drive for hours and usually make a day of it, stopping somewhere enroute for a picnic lunch and letting the horses graze before rehitching and heading home.They don't really show our horses at there best, lol, ever notice that a horse will drop its head and put its ears back or out to the sides as soon as a camera is aimed that way? But I thought I'd share anyway, notice the smile on my husband's face, he's driving my best mare and I think I have him hooked (altho I don't know if I'm ever getting my horse back now lol) Now she just has to teach him how to ask her to use herself and a bit about reinsmanship (she is an excellent teacher)