Sharon! Howz it goin with the new fella!

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Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2003
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I need to know he hasn't mowed you down yet and you're doing ok! Please give those inquiring minds an update on the handsome fella!
Yea Sharon.....please let us know how your little bully is making out. Are your trees and decorations still up???
I am embarrassed to say that I brought him back.
I really, REALLY loved the dog, but I just could not take the slobber.
Icky, sticky, booger snot slobber.

How do you deal with a dog that slobbers so much? I am so very dissappointed as this guy was absolutely my dream dog. He had such a big silly grin. Are there any bully breeds that are not exploding slobber all over?
Awww! I'm sorry it didn't work out but I also am really grossed out by dog slobber.

I am not very familiar with bully breeds, but a dog is such a BIG part of the family. It really needs to be just the right match I think, so I think you did the best thing.

With all the dog people here, I bet someone can put you on to different types in that selection of breeds that will be less drooly.
Sharon, I understand how you feel, I love Boxers but the slobber is too much for me.
As for a bully breed that isn't a big slobber mouth. You will find both wet and dry mouthed Bull Mastiffs. They are great dogs, I'm thinking of one for my next dog. If a breeder tells you they have dry mouthed Bully's make sure you see the parents. Not all breeders are completely honest.

AWWWwwwww Sharon I'm so sorry it did'nt work out!
My Boxer very rarely slobbers...and the one I had before her which I had for 11 yrs. rarely did either. I can say I was skeptical about getting a Cane Corso because being of the Mastiff breed and all the stories you hear about "slingers". I'm not 100% sure but I've heard breeders talk about the slobber factor and the longer hanging lips...the longer the lips and folds are the more they'll drool. Lakota is very dry mouthed. I have to say tho that when we went to go pick her up when we first got her, and I was with her father out in the yard....he came out and put his head down to the ground to smell something, and a bunch of liquid spilled out of his mouth!
I was like OMG!!! Now that I have Lakota home and know her, I realized what it was. When they just get finished drinking water, if they immediately drop their heads, sometimes the water stays in their lips pockets and it'll just spill or dribble out. Boy was I glad to know thats what it was! I do know that alot of people use slobber cloths and towels for their bully breeds, and they get used to it. I find that moreso when they get overheated in the summer is when the drool factor is more prominant.

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