"The point was Jane,,, it isn't over,, still see this kind of thing today in the USA. Happens all the time.... still. But I fathom you think it is OK. Fine, want to ignore the abuse go ahead.'Hold on here. This thread was to show some great ponies from 50 years ago, not to debate whether it was cruelty or if it still goes on. Want to go there?? What about cropping ears, branding and tagging, and melamine in baby formula? Let's not get into a p**sing contest whether anybody thinks this is or is not cruelty.
How about enjoying some great old photos, understanding that things were done differently then, and MOST people agree it should not happen now.
What I find interesting is that these ponies look very like miniatures, and are quite small. Are we seeing one of the lines of history that made the miniature horse Breed?
Thanks Tony, as always a great font of knowledge.
For Gods sake get a grip...where on earth can you make a leap from my pointing out that these pictures were taken fifty years ago to me thinking animal abuse is OK??
Honestly I have to wonder sometimes where people keep there brains!!
And Thank You, Ruffian, for making a very relevant point...
These pictures were put up as a trip down memory lane, no more, and they are priceless...I for one would just love to have a flip through Tony's photo albums sometime...Noe that would most probably make a book in itself!
A lot of things were done differently 50 years ago, I'm a bit older than Tony and, believe me, when horse were working animals , not pets, they were treated differently.
Not necessarily worse or badly, but definitely differently.
No, I don't agree with the set tails (Hackneys over here still use that wotsit under the tail as nicking is illegal, and the length of the wotsit is strictly governed, too. Uncomfortable and outdated, but not cruel.)
The feet were awful, but some Shetlands are still shown with "pads", is that true??
And of course no-one mentions the horrible check rein, I notice.....still in common (mis) use.
But the overall "type" of those ponies really seems good to me...I would not have minded buying a few...noticeably less Hackney influence, is that right Tony???
Do you remember roughly how big these ponies were??
You know, if Tony has not the time to write the book, someone should get over there with a tape recorder and get all this on record, at least.
And not only Tony, I'm sure he could point us in the direction of people older than himself....this sort of knowledge needs writing down before it disappears for good.
Right, I'm off to dig through those pictures on the "Life" site