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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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Oklahoma City, OK
Not my dogs either! It's the show barn. Apparantly, a skunk was in there last night and the smell seems to be everywhere! Is there anything you can put on surfaces or wash down with to make that gross odor go away?? I'm talking about concrete floors and metal stalls. Gag!!! :smileypuke:
The only thing we have found that helps with skunk smell is tomato juice.Beyond that I have no idea. We have used that successfully on wood surfaces.
We used a dish soap, peroxide baking, soda mix - sorry I can't remember the amounts but hopefully this will jog peoples memories- because someone else used the same thing and posted it on here a little while ago- Tiffany
Oh PEW! :eek: That stinks Becky (sorry for the pun) I hope you can get the musk out of there.

We lucked out, Lotto likes to try to stomp cats here and he had a skunk in his pen last week! I'm so glad he didn't get sprayed!

Good luck!
Here's the receipe that was given to us. I used it, and it worked...bleached my dog, but it was positively worth it! :lol: :lol:

1 litre peroxide

1 Cup baking soda

1 tsp liquid laundry detergent (I had none, and used dish worked)
[SIZE=18pt]Once our house got skunked on the side where the den was. My brothers Basoon was in the case in there and when he took it to school and opened the case the skunk smell was even in there!!! We used moth balls in the den and in the case.... it did help.[/SIZE]

If you use Tufflun's and SueC's recipe -- I've heard from a previous thread on here that DAWN Dish Soap works well. Haven't had to test it though!

There's a product called Orange-A-Peel that's VERY effective. I have washed my dog with it the time he was sprayed and the smell was almost totally gone. He was due to go to the nursing home for his therapy visit, and no one was the wiser! This product is a very concentrated citrus product. Try it if you are able to find it in your area (try feed stores)
The fun stuff that skunks spray you with is oil-based. If you can locate the source, most things that disperse oil can help some. The things the others have listed help do just that.

It's a very fine oil (so that it gets in the air better) and digs in deep. I had one spray in the back of my truck once and for several months afterwards, when it would rain buried oil would work up out of the bed liner and I could smell a faint but distinct skunk smell.

Often (unfortunately), time with lots of ventilation seems to be the only thing that works.
One of my JRT's got way too up close and personal with a skunk one time, and got sprayed (soaked!) just behind her right ear :smileypuke: . I had great success with washing her in tomato juice and white vinegar
: , and followed that immediately with Pert shampoo because that was what was closest to hand. There wasn't a trace of skunk smell afterwards, not even when she got wet in the rain.

Oops! I just reread the original question and I see that you're asking about surfaces, rather than animals. Maybe the tomato juice/vinegar combination would help.

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