Well-Known Member
My new stallion that I bought has a slight fallen crest. Its not really that bad and when he flexes his neck to the ladies it straightens right back up. I think it just happened in the last couple of yrs if not over the winter. (It was like that when I bought him) I think it fell over because he has such a slender neck and a heavy main. I clipped a lot off and that seemed to help some. What I was wondering is if I was to work him and get muscle tone back into him because this boy hasnt been in shape since 2004 and when I body clipped him I noticed he really has no muscle tone in his butt or shoulders, could I get his neck to come back? Like I said its very slight and it only leans on the side the mane is on. Here is a picture that you can kind of see it and its not his whole neck just a little by the bridle path (were the hair isnt sticking up as bad). He is 11 yrs old and even though he would probably never be able to place against the younger stallions in a show I wouldnt mind taking him to a show. But the only thing thats stopping me is his neck. If there really isnt anything I can do oh well. I know he still produces very nice foals but hes just so awesome looking I wanted to make his neck better and show him off.