Small Pet ideas?

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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2003
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Hi Everybody!

The college I am applying to is 5 hours away from where I live, so Im going to be living in an apartment there! I am going to go through animal withdrawls, and miss my horses especially!

I would like to have a small pet that would do well in an apartment, and do well with my busy lifestyle at college. Any ideas about what kind of pet would work out well for me would be appreciated!

I really have never owned a small caged animal, so please post a pic of what you have, and some basics of care!

Thanks so much!

Hi Ashley, there are lots of little critters that come to my mind. But it depends a lot on you - do you want some thing you can cuddle, or some thing to just abserve - and how much do you want to spend?

I bought my daughter a pet rat last year for Christmas, I had a couple of them in years gone by. They are very intelegent and easy to care for, my daughter has hers out all of the time and "Ruby" has never bit.

Another thing that comes to mind is a pair of finches, you can pick up a pair of zebra finches, cage and food for probably under 30.00 dollers, depending on where you live. ( The same goes by the way for a pet rat, cage and food. ) Finches make cute little peeps and dont need to be entertained by you.

If you are interested in eather of these ideas - let me know and I can give you more detail...Sorry - I have no pictures! Lori
My sister is away at college right now. She's in an apartment with her best friend. They have hermit crabs!
They have a huge neat "aquarium" thing, but it's not glass on the sides, it is a metal screen. It's cute, sand and knick nacks in the bottom. They got the crabs at a specialty shop, and their shells are painted neon colors, striped, etc...

I have a beta fish, too. He lives in my kitchen. I've had that sucker for 2 years now. I've never fed him not once! He is in a glass vase with an ivy plant on the top...he eats the roots. He's a very low maintainence pet!!

Also, when I was younger, I had a guinea pig. They require a lot of attention, love, & care, however.
Rats are great pets! They are fun easily trainable can be in our out of the cage and believe it or not can be great companions
Obviously you are looking at caged pets ---

Low maintenance -- a fish or fishes.....For one fish, the Beta is great. We have gone through some males, but right now we have a female who is FULL of personality. She responds to my ticking the bowl and comes to investigate and she knows when it's time for food. (They need their water changed at least weekly and fed a couple kernals either daily or every other day.)

Another low maintenance pet -- Hermit crab(s). We've had several of those as well and the ones we have right now are the best. They are not shy and voluntarily stick their heads out when we pick them up. They love to crawl around on new surfaces and investigate. (Their sand in the cage needs changing as needed, water dish filled every other day or so, feed them every few days as needed, moisten a sponge that lives in the cage daily, and mist them daily. They need a new shell every 6 months.)

Higher maintenance -- Hamster or Gerbil or Rat....Cage needs cleaning weekly. They need daily attention. Food daily and water bottle changed every few days as it gets low.

Lots depends on how "cuddley" a pet you want and how much time you have to spend with them.

Heres me chimming in with my hedgy!

I love hedgehogs and not hard to care for at all. Clean ther cage once a week and give them food and water. I dont handle mine all that much. They are a animal that can be left alone and it dont bother them. But if you wanna play with them they love that to.

Alot of people think they cant be good pets as they are spiky but really they are not if they are friendly. It dont take them much to be friendly at all either.

If you let them they will run around your place, or climb all over you.

Depending where you get them they round anywhere from 20-45 bucks. However if you get them from a pet shop.........well lets just say I wouldnt recommend it.

I feed them a special food but most bring them up on cat food just fine. They need a cage, a water bottle, a house and a wheel but thats about it.

They really are not that hard to care for at all.
I'll put my vote in for pet rat. I had female hooded rats in college and they were so friendly and intelligent.

Also had fish; both tropical and goldfish.
I'll add in my vote for rats, HOWEVER I'll caution you: TRY TO BUY FROM A BREEDER.

Petstore rats are often not as social and friendly, and have a tendency to have more health issues.

Now, in my experience... the boys were the better "cuddle" pets- the girls more standoffish. The girls, however, were all pet store rats- and all but one seemed to like humans less. The one who did like humans unfortunately suffered a stroke as far as we can guess, and became rather neurotic- she had to be fed with an eye dropper, and got to a point where she'd try to bite me and my fingers rather than eat.

A truely good cage is all wire (except the drop pan), but smaller gauge then that normally used for other animals (unless only housing fully grown rats). However, I've had success modifying Rubbermaid storage tubs. We simply cut a huge plastic square out of the top and attached hardware cloth or another small-gauge metal square material. We used zip-ties for one cage, and had to switch to paperclips with the second because one of the girls was a chewer
Some people have success making cages out of metal storage cute shelves, or from wire shelving attained at a hardware store.

I really miss my boys. Currently I only have one rat, and rats usually should be kept in pairs. I became allergic while pregnant, however, and didn't want another rat to pick up this one's habit of biting/hard nipping when you get your fingers too close to "her" box. -.-

My boys were my sweethearts. Two were brothers, and breeder-bred, the 3rd was a storebought male. The storebought was the first to go- and he was my special boy. Second was Blaze, the sweetest of the three (he was a rattie ambassador), and the last to go was Hoggle- the escape artist and most cantakerous and bold of the three. They lived on average 2 years, and rats usually only live 2-3 years (though I've heard of 5-7)... the oldest one I owned was nearly 3.

When Blazie boy and Hoggle passed, even my non-pet oriented husband was upset. He was attached to them. For a long while, they lived out in our living room

If you want, PM me- I'd be glad to share links and more info, or even just answer any questions you might have. I can also answer questions on Betta fish, or rabbits- some are small enough to be kept in an apartment

I can't resist, I have to post my memorial pic for the "Misfit Mischief'- the three boys, Toby, Blaze, and Hoggle.

I think you should get a bunny. They are relatively low maintence, but if you spend time with them they can be cuddly and really friendly. They need to run around though every day, a few hours a day, so I suppose they are not a great pet if you are not going to be home a lot. But with classes, and then spending time at home studying, they are great!!

I am in college right now and I have 2 rabbits, and I really like them, they are fun to watch and can be really social. They are quiet and you can even litter train them (it only usually takes a couple days). I think they are an ideal pet if you are looking for something that you can actually spend time with and let them out and really interact with them.

But, if your not going to be home a lot, or your not really up to bunny proofing your apartment... stick to the perma caged pets like hamsters, gerbils and fish!!
I would definately recommend getting a rabbit. They are relatively easy to litter train and I have even voice trained a couple of them. They have unbelievable personalities and with over forty different breeds and probably twice that many colors you are sure to find something that suits you. Any of the rabbits breeds or a mixed breed would suit what you are looking for, but I have a soft spot for the Holland Lops as I breed and show these myself.

If you would like to know more about keepinga house rabbit just go to this website, its chock full of everything you will ever need to know.
many apartments only allow fish or birds, some only fish... maybe best not to get any pet till you find out what is allowed otherwise maybe just leaving another critter behind? ... my daughter kept a beta in her room at college.

he got so he would recognize her and visit with her, begging for food and making bubble nests... very beautiful and not high end in effort or costs for a busy college student.
Hey guys thanks for all the replys! I was away at a rodeo all weekend and just got back to read this...

You gave me lots of good ideas and im really excited, because i dont want to be animal less at school (Even though i am going for vet science and will be working with animals every day in class)

but what can i say i need my own to take care of...

Im leaning more towards something soft that i can hold, although the hedgys seem quite interesting....i should have plenty of time for care and i dont see a small animal being a challenge compared to the zoo i have at home

those rats are surprisingly cute.....not at all like the ugly things i try so hard to remove from my barn.....

I actually didnt realize how many different types of small animals that are available! And they all sound so interesting in their own ways!

thanks again Ill let you know what i decide!

Guinea pigs are cuddley and quiet. My daughters roomate had a chinchilla which was very tame.
My college daughter has a couple of turtles. Interesting little guys to watch, but definitely not high on the cuddle list.


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