To the best of my knowledge all ponies and horses have one. I use that "knobby bump" as a marker to stop clippimg my bridlepaths forward on ponies and arabs. On some of ours it's been closer to the center of between the ears - meaning I stop clipping BEFORE the bump, but most have it a little further back. The Arab mare, the shetland stallion and 3 shetland mares tha are 20 &21 yrs old, have all become very prominent in the last two years. AJ is the most prominent and he also is the only one who has really developed the sunken eye hollows above his eyes, too.
Looking back, I don't think that our Paints and QH in the 70s, 80s & 90s had them as promenently(tho they did have a bump) as the arabs and ponies do, and in their own ways they were never as smart or as "hot" as our ponies and arabs have tended to be.
Had never heard of it being called a smart bump before...