I was just tested in June, got my CPAP machine July 8, 2010. Tim has had one for 15 yrs and like your husband...he said...you snore so bad...you need to be checked. I've never slept well, hard to go to sleep, hard to stay asleep..in recent years, just tired all the time. AND...get this...my family doc put me on anti-depressants last fall...then my BP started rising...normally 60ish on bottom, now 98 on bottom.....AFTER my sleep apnea testing...they realize...I am not depressed...just TIRED!!!!!!!!!!!
I hate it when they throw drugs at you and dont investigate the problem. MY HUSBAND....told me to tell our family doc that I need to be sleep apnea tested so I did. She says..."Do you want to be tested"....I said I guess...she says I can order it. Grrrrrrrrrrr!! So....when I go back and tell her the results: They measure it from 5 to 30...I am a 26 which is Severe Sleep Apnea....waking 26 times an hour or over 200 times a night. My REM sleep (deep sleep where your body is almost in a paralyzed state resting, replenishing itself...was disturbed 60 times a night. No wonder I feel so tired and rung out. I wasent depressed just exhausted.
NOW...get this...I only got the machine July 8....but I am feeling SOOOOO much better it is amazing.
The sleep doc said "Connie you wont believe how much better you will feel"
Talked to a friend who's son was put on anti depressents only to find out he too had sleep apnea.
It is really easy to do...they put electorde monitors on you..like one on top of your head to monitor brainwaves, next to your eye to monitor rapid eye movement, leg to monitor restless leg syndrome, then a heart monitor, oxygen monitor on your finger. I thought..sleep...yeah right...I dont sleep well anyhow...now I have to wear this stuff and sleep at the hospital (2nd time in my 55 yrs ever been in the hospital)...but they did let me take a sleep aid so got to sleep and tests were successful.
Week later I went back for testing WITH a CPAP machine so they could set the machine to my specific needs...same prep putting on the monitoring electrodes..but with the mask on..I slept really good and felt good that day! I know it sounds strange...but couldnt wait to get my machine. I LOVE IT!!!
I am excited about feeling good again! Let us know how your testing goes. Call now!! (sounds like an infomercial doesnt it...lol...but Jody is so right on...it makes a huge difference. She's been coaching me (thank you Jody!!!)