For those of you that live in areas that get heavy snow ...do you prefer to leave your guys in the stall or out in the snow? I mean when there is snow to their withers , and it keeps falling all day long. Today we got 3 feet of snow, and I played with them a little to show them it was OK to walk through it ,and it was waist high for me. by 2 pm they were standing around waiting for "Happy Hour" they looked terribly bored.
like "NOW WHAT DO WE DO MOM"? this also opens a new topic...now that the snow has arrived (Swiss Alps) the pasture grass is finished ,and the am graining and vitamins begin, is it better to give smaller amounts of warm mash am , and pm? or do you just grain them once a day? Also ,what time do your kids go to bed in the winter when its cold , and snowy?. ( bed being the stall)