So how do we feel about this

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Why do you bother? I would think it's pretty obvious by now that nothing said here is going to change anybody's mind.
Then I would need to ask why the need to have all these threads saying the same thing with the same posts over and over?

As far as responding you are correct. I will no longer be saying anything nor wasting my time reading these threads. I will instead make sure I remember not those who disagree or debate *something most adults can handle* but those very few who choose to belittle, be rude, snide and outright mean on a continuous basis. Those very few who opt to poke, prod and continue to make nasty remarks surely will be remembered by myself and others when we get back to doing business as usual Nov 5th.

Now if anyone else feels the need to take a nice direct shot at me go right ahead although please do so through PM as I will no longer waste my time on all of this dribble.

I hope you all have a wonderful rest of the day!
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insinuations that people who don't agree with you are either ignorant or uninformed.
Actually, Appylover - 95% of that type of insinuation has gone the other way, If we do not see the evil in Obama..... if we do not see the trouble that is coming... if we are too stupid to realize that he is hiding everything from us.... then we have our heads in the sand... are ignorant... will soon see the truth.... and so on. It has been a common mantra with many threads... many many many threads.

I keep hoping for the type of discussion that goes on elsewhere... and has happened fleetingly a couple of times here... where all opinions are respected and all concerns considered. And there is no jeering, cheering and sniping. Things get volatile - but also never get insulting. That has not been the case here - which for such a small forum I find a bit surprizing.

And despite a few threads calling for such respectful discussion... and the hollow words agreeing that should happen, the usual suspects continue in their usual way - with little care for anything or anyone else. And yes - that can make for some head-banging frustration.

Why do some insist on constantly sneering and belitttling? Or starting endless threads with yet another "revelation"? Often one that we have already discussed at length? And more often than not disproved?

Actually, all I've noticed is that she's posted a number of things that are concerns to many informed US Citizens when it comes to Obama. Haven't seen any "Conspiracy Theories" nor "Fear Mongering", which was also recently suggested on a thread expressing disgust about the recently foiled asasination attempt. As if sharing what is National news and being disgusted at the plot is fear mongering???
Jill considers my opinion/thoughts/concerns to be worthless - but I will respond to this anyway.

Some have done a lot of conspiracy flogging - constantly starting threads with yet more revelations to share - OMG!! LOOK!! - and suggesting things that have not been true... and then sneering at the facts /links when presented. There have been plenty of conspiracy theories floated. All of Obama's education and trips were funded by Muslim or Islamic terrorist groups - as is his campaign... or he is linked closely with Odinga of Kenya and campaigned for him to guarantee his support in the future... or he is not an American citizen and has been covering up the fact and lieing... all of those are conspiracy theories... and all of them are incorrect. And yet if we do not favour them we are "uninformed". That is only a small sampling of the many conspiracies that have muddied up the waters here.

And once again - posters in the other thread were not calling the skinhead story fearmongering - but all the other relentless "facts" we have been beaten over the head with. But some here have engaged in endless fearmongering of a milder sort - dire warnings and predictions about what will happen after Nov. 5 if Obama is elected...

I hope you all have a wonderful rest of the day!
Yeah, that ^^^^ .
QUOTE Actually, all I've noticed is that she's posted a number of things that are concerns to many informed US Citizens when it comes to Obama. Haven't seen any "Conspiracy Theories" nor "Fear Mongering", which was also recently suggested on a thread expressing disgust about the recently foiled asasination attempt. As if sharing what is National news and being disgusted at the plot is fear mongering???
Jill considers my opinion/thoughts/concerns to be worthless - but I will respond to this anyway.

Please I see nothing here that says Jill thinks your opinions/thoughts/concerns to be worthless. Why would you think that by reading this?
Do you McCain/Palin supporters really want a repeat of the last 8 years? Wow. In a way, I hope Obama isn't voted in, for various reasons.

It's so funny to me to see these threads. It's all just pot-stirring. That's okay, I guess, if it brings excitement to you. I just hope you guys in the U.S. vote for the team you know will try to clean up the mess left by you-know-who
TAG I may be mistaken but I think I'm the only one who's used the "head in the sand" term. That was used in the assignation thread, which has since been locked, but it was referring to the possibility of an assignation attempt. It was in NO WAY referring to anyone's stupidity but perhaps to their nievity if they think it couldn't happen again.

...with yet another "revelation"? Often one that we have already discussed at length? And more often than not disproved?
Disproved to your satisfaction perhaps but obviously not to everyones.

Let's face it people on both sides have made their share of snide remarks, pointed fingers and posted less than earth-shattering information - It is, after all, a public forum.

Matt it may come as a surprise to you but some of us feel that, except for the last few weeks, the past 8 years haven't been all bad. I didn't agree with all of President Busch's decisions....but then it wasn't necessary that I agree. He's kept our country safe from further terrorist attacks, I've had enough to eat and a warm place to sleep. Shoot....I've even been able to feed the all the critters around here without having to ask for help from anybody. Nope, IMHO the past 8 years ain't been so bad.
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TAG I may be mistaken but I think I'm the only one who's used the "head in the sand" term. That was used in the assignation thread, which has since been locked, but it was referring to the possibility of an assignation attempt. It was in NO WAY referring to anyone's stupidity but perhaps to their nievity if they think it couldn't happen again.

...with yet another "revelation"? Often one that we have already discussed at length? And more often than not disproved?
Disproved to your satisfaction perhaps but obviously not to everyones.

Let's face it people on both sides have made their share of snide remarks, pointed fingers and posted less than earth-shattering information - It is, after all, a public forum.

Matt it may come as a surprise to you but some of us feel that, except for the last few weeks, the past 8 years haven't been all bad. I didn't agree with all of President Busch's decisions....but then it wasn't necessary that I agree. He's kept our country safe from further terrorist attacks, I've had enough to eat and a warm place to sleep. Shoot....I've even been able to feed the all the critters around here without having to ask for help from anybody. Nope, IMHO the past 8 years ain't been so bad.
You can think whatever you want. "Safe"? Nice word. Has he really? Is B-U-S-H a "Gun-Totin'" "Maverick"? Did he go out there and protect us all? Ummmmmm, nope. He made things much much worse. Wait and see....

Sorry, but it's spelled assassination, not assignation.
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LOL Matt; I just saw what you were talking about.
Guess my magic fingers failed me there. Anyway an assignation would certainly be preferable. Speeling wus nevur a strng sute fir me neway.
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It's so funny to me to see these threads. It's all just pot-stirring. That's okay, I guess, if it brings excitement to you. I just hope you guys in the U.S. vote for the team you know will try to clean up the mess left by you-know-who wink.gif
Have to agree with ya Matt, and unfortunately I have a feeling it won't matter WHO we vote in, the mess is too big for just one person to clean up

He's kept our country safe from further terrorist attacks, I've had enough to eat and a warm place to sleep
hmmm Last I checked it was our SOLDIERS who've been risking/losing their lives to keep our country safe..

I too can't wait for it all to be over, but then again, we'll have to put up with which ever side loses' whining and complaining..
hmmm Last I checked it was our SOLDIERS who've been risking/losing their lives to keep our country safe..
I certainly can't disagree with that statement. But ask anyone who thinks the war is wrong and I'm sure they'll tell you Busch started it.

And just to clarify my comment I was referring to another terrorist attack on American soil....but then I think maybe you already knew that.

Believe me, after 25 years in a military uniform, I'm hardly likely to either forget or ignore what our troops are doing right now. God Bless Them!
Please I see nothing here that says Jill thinks your opinions/thoughts/concerns to be worthless. Why would you think that by reading this?
Where did I say it was from that? Jill has simply stated that as I am not an American citizen that anything I say in these discussions is pointless, Even though I live here legally and am in the thick of things, so to speak.

Disproved to your satisfaction perhaps but obviously not to everyones.
Perhaps not to those who insist on believing the myths and conspiracies. Obviously 99% of this stuff is disproved to McCain's satisfaction - and the truth was obvious - or he would use it - and rightly so. So we come back to the question of how stupid some must think McCain is to simply ignore all this excellent dirt that would blow Obama out of contention...

TAG I may be mistaken but I think I'm the only one who's used the "head in the sand" term. That was used in the assignation thread, which has since been locked, but it was referring to the possibility of an assignation attempt. It was in NO WAY referring to anyone's stupidity but perhaps to their nievity if they think it couldn't happen again.
I think it has been used before that as well... along with other dismissive terms like sheep, drinking the kool-aid, being ignorant and stupid and so on....

I'm not a sheep. Don't drink any kool-aid... and just because I may disagree with someone it does not mean I am stupid or ignorant. And the
and other mirth about how ignorant those are who do not agree with a certain few continues...

Maybe we need a flood control on starting threads... that way there cannot be multiple threads in one day from the same person that are mainly designed simply to stir the pot... just a thought.

And although I lean left - I am independent. That is why I like to get to the facts as opposed to the rhetoric... no matter who is spewing it.

And yes - an assignation would be infinitely more desirable than an assassination.

Have to agree with ya Matt, and unfortunately I have a feeling it won't matter WHO we vote in, the mess is too big for just one person to clean up
Absolutely right. And whoever becomes President is going to raise taxes... as that ginormous deficit needs to be dealt with. No one is going to be able to fix all that in 4 years.
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Ok ignoring the obvious turn this thread took, I've noticed a lot of sexism this election.

I'll be upfront I didn't like Hillary but would have picked her over Obama. Obama and Hillary have the same views on a lot of things, maybe a different route to get there but the same end result. Do you know the amount of people that are rabid Obama supports that get almost vile when you bring up Hillary? They view Obama as "the one" (tongue in check here folks) and Hillary as a _ _ _ _.

The press has made some poking fun at McCain, which they always do of politicians so no big scandal there but they are savage over Palin and even Cindy McCain.

So am I shocked that we have people that would get glee in hanging a Sarah Palin dummy up, no. No more than I am that we have racist, lowbrow scum who would do the same with Obama, but I know which one is more tolerated in today's society.

Just goes to show maybe we haven't went as far as Virginia Slims thought.

Jill considers my opinion/thoughts/concerns to be worthless - but I will respond to this anyway.
Keep stirring that pot. This time prevented me from caring to read whatever the heck it was you tried to say to me -- go figure.

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