So who's got the Swine Flu?

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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Its so bad here they closed schools down. Now a couple of stores in town have closed. We have had actual deaths here for the past 2 weeks.

My son was diagnosed with it, now his GFF has it. They are terribly sick. Dr. sent them home with 6 RX they have been taking so I hope they turn the corner soon. I made them a big pot of home made chicken noodle soup and we brought them over a case of Gatorade and three gallons of orange juice. We are all spraying and disinfecting everything we can, keeping our hands washed often.

Since Hus and I have been exposed to them, we're sure to get it too. So far we just have some cold symptoms and don't feel so good. Hope it passes us by.

I have a Dr.appointment. Rats.

Stay well everyone.
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Marty, thats just terrible! I hope you and the family are feeling better in no time. Better get the crock pot out and make some soup for you and hubby too. I just made beef vegetable Saturday because I was feeling like crap. Ok I admit it, I was feeling like crap and didn't feel like cooking, so I dumped a bunch of stuff in the crock pot and turned it on. Talk about easy dinner for 3 days.
I work at a nurse line in Washington State and I swear today half our callback queue messages were marked "H1N1." When this first hit the public radar we had hundreds of hysterical people calling because they coughed once and were convinced they were dying, but now most people are much calmer and are calling only to get facts about incubation time, exposure risks and when they're going to feel better. It's definitely out there in the community as most calls we're getting are about confirmed cases at this point but most people simply feel nasty then get better. According to the CDC the seasonal flu still kills 36,000 people a year and hospitalizes 226,000 but somehow we manage to forget about that.
As of October 9th there had only been 4,108 deaths from swine flu. The World Health Organization has us at a pandemic level 5 but only rated as a category 1 out of 5 for severity, meaning it's a widespread disease with a fairly low death rate.

The vaccine is coming but in my area is not available yet even to health care workers so the best thing to do is take care of yourself. Eat healthy, get plenty of sleep, stay hydrated, wash your hands frequently and encourage other people to do the same. Get vaccinated for the seasonal flu so you're protected from at least one nasty thing. Stay home if you think you're getting sick! Cover your coughs (cough into your elbow, not your hand) and wear a mask in public if you're ill. If you do get the flu, don't go back to work or school until your fever has been gone for 24 hours without medications. I know we all hate to miss work but you aren't doing your company any favors if you get everyone ELSE sick.
Most areas and health insurance companies have a consulting nurse line available so make use of those to avoid going in to the doctor's office unless you really have to. If you do need help though, don't hesitate to call your primary care provider- especially with H1N1. Most the time it passes but if you develop complications it can get serious.

Visit the CDC website for up to date information and guidelines about both kinds of flu.

Marty, I'm sorry to hear that the Love Child and his girlfriend are sick, I'll be thinking of them!

Well we have it around here too. At the high school where I work there have been 200 + out of 400 kids out sick last week. But they are coming back. I have heard of no confirmed cases of the swine flu, so maybe it is the seasonal.

Hope Dan feels better soon, and you and Hus take care!!!!!!
There are a couple of cases in our area. I've got a new baby and am on maternity leave and barely leave the house, and never with her when I can help it. Scary!! Hope your family gets better soon, Marty.
I don't think I have the flu but feel pretty yucky today. As soon as I said I didn't feel good they sent me home from work. Our ER said they are seeing about 30 a night.
I don't have that, I have what people are calling the Texas crud though. Been sick since Friday, missed work today and probably at least tomorrow. On antibiotics and this great cough syrup. I don't feel like doing anything and I am out of chicken soup. Guess it is time to drag to the store, but that means I have to take a shower. Ick, don't even feel like doing that.


Hope Dan and his GF feel better soon.
Nobody here yet, but all 4 of use have a cold. We are extra worried with haveing baby Emma and just last week a perfectly healthy 6 year old boy died from it.

Christians school called and emailed yesterday to let us know 10% of the school was out with the flu. THats about 100 kids.
Keith and I are both recovering from some sort of crud, but I'm sure it wasn't the piggy kind...I had about a day and a half of feeling like shinola but I'm now just coughing.

Of course, once Keith got it, it was a different story -- the end of the world. The bad thing is, when we both get sick, one of us still has to go out to feed and water horses, wrangle chickens, take dogs out, feed kitties...

I'll be getting a shot as soon as it's available. I'm definitely in the high risk group, and since Keith works at a hospital, I'm basically a sitting duck for every bug he comes into contact with. At least in his job, he has all the hand washing, elbow sneazing, etc., etc.
I guess I would be in the high risk group since I tried to die last year (some intestinal thing). I don't think I am going to get the shot. I am tuff. Too mean to die. Just ask the kids about that one. I have gotten meds (over the counter stuff) just incase. We use a ton of hand sanitizer. Unless one of the kids brings it home I should be ok.
I haven't been sick,

but I think you can get it and not even know it.

I definitely will Not be getting the H1N1 vaccine because it has Squalene and Live cancer viruses in it. is a great information website.
Fair amount of it around here on the news, but I only know of a couple of folks who have some kind of flu. I had a colonoscopy last week and then got food poisoning last weekend (leftovers gone bad...) - about all the fun I need for awhile!!

I had an appointment with my lung doctor yesterday.

I've never had a flu shot as I'm allergic to eggs.

He said he thought I should be OK as it wasn't hitting

adults as much as children/young adults and they are

getting hit hard.

Most adults have most likely been exposed to a form

of it sometime in their life, providing some resistance.
Son had something over the weekend, and is better. He had 90 out of his school.

I woke up this morning and would have felt better if I could of taken my head off.

Massive headache, temp of 102, little stomach yuck and after sleeping all night, have slept 6 hours today. Cold, cold cold.

Lucky, or maybe not, had the day off. Whew, that wore me out.
Have been exposed, haven't gotten it.

I'm with Zora, I will NOT be getting the vaccine either. I dont think there is enough testing involved and I have had my fill with drugs released out on the market that were later recalled due to problems. I had problems for a long time due to one and dont care to do that again, or end up as one of 'those' statistics!!

Lots of people here have the flu, but not the swine flu.... also colds, coughs, tonsilitis and other things going around. A couple have had pneumonia. One had a child with the swine flu, who recovered, but he came in to work anyhow so he could share the germs I guess. <sigh>

I am not going to worry about it- the media and government has people freaking out about it. Doctors have previously stated that the masks that everyone was wearing will NOT keep flu germs out, so dont bother. Perhaps the media hype is so people will push to have some health care plan put through in a hurry that needs further review? Just my thoughts.....

There was the big scare about the Avian flu too........ etc......

Marty, hope your family feels better soon and there is nothing like good chicken soup to feel better. Better send some to the other person here who posted and is out so they dont have to go to the store!! is another great website for vaccine information, she also has a wonderful radio show on Rbn on saturdays. You can listen to it on the internet too.
Yep. Got it at the World Show. Missed the last two days of the show.

It wasn't as bad as the Asian flu that was years ago.

Headache, coughing, chills, slight fever.

Now, two days ago, I got a relapse and am coughing a bunch. Not pneumonia. Just a horrible cough.

I hope I am immune now.

The way people are getting the H1N1 so fast, I think most people will get it before the vaccine is available!
None of us here have it i'm most worried about my son, who is in school and my daughter who works at a day care. I've been thinking about getting my son vaccinated but want to do some research first, i'll be checking out the web sites posted here but from he sounds of things, i'll just make sure he takes every precaution.

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