So who's got the Swine Flu?

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Im not planning on getting the shot not enough to prove its safe from what ive heard its only really problematic to those that are already sick the very young or the elderley, so Im not too worried about it.
My sister and her wife had it. Pretty intense flu, but they're fine now. They both said that they've experienced worse.
I haven't been sick,but I think you can get it and not even know it.

I definitely will Not be getting the H1N1 vaccine because it has Squalene and Live cancer viruses in it. is a great information website.

Conspiracy theorist, perhaps
Cancer is not a virus. The H1N1 vaccine has the killed virus in it and the same make-up as the "normal" flu vaccine. If doctors are giving it to their families (mine), I don't think you should be too concerned.
I'm with you Matt, I am hearing the same cr@p here at home. He has it on 'good authority' bla bla bla. I got a free annual flu shot at Worlds and will get the H1N1 shot when available for the high risk groups. Also have to wait until I am over this Texas crud first, been sick over a week.
Yep, I have it.

Not fun.

It is hitting me very, very hard.

This is my fourth day being sick, I hope it goes away soon.

I don't know where I got it, could be from my college campus most likely.
I'm hopefully on the tail end of it. Finally started feeling better yesterday. Came on fast last Wed.....fever, cough, headache and bodyache. Worse part for me was joint pain. Only had a fever for a couple of days but I would have awful joint aches...would change parts, knees and lower back, then hips and back, even my elbow joints were involved. Now I just have the chest congestion and nasty cough. I'm waiting for a call from Employee health to decide when I can return to work. I work in the ER as a triage nurse. Prior to my getting it we were triaging at least 50 a day that thought they had it and about 30 that did have it. Everyone with a cough or fever has to wear a mask. Worse part is.....these people wait for hours in the ER and are told to go home, rest, fluids and ibuprofen or tylenol for the fever. They need to just stay home unless they're having trouble breathing. We've put a couple of 30 year olds in ICU because of breathing problems. Their x-rays look like ARDS(adult respiratory distress syndrome) and I know one was put on a ventilator.

Some people don't know how to tell the difference between flu and cold symptoms. Someone sent me the following in an email and I thought it was easy to follow so I'm passing it on!
Hope everyone out there that "has it" is getting better and the rest of you stay well!!

Know the Difference between Cold and Swine Flu Symptoms



Swine Flu


Fever is rare with a cold.

Fever is usually present with the flu in up to 80% of all flu cases. A temperature of 100½F or higher for 3 to 4 days is associated with the flu.


A hacking, productive (mucus- producing) cough is often present with a cold.

A non-productive (non-mucus producing) cough is usually present with the flu (sometimes referred to as dry cough).


Slight body aches and pains can be part of a cold.

Severe aches and pains are common with the flu.

Stuffy Nose

Stuffy nose is commonly present with a cold and typically resolves spontaneously within a week.

Stuffy nose is not commonly present with the flu.


Chills are uncommon with a cold.

60% of people who have the flu experience chills.


Tiredness is fairly mild with a cold.

Tiredness is moderate to severe with the flu.


Sneezing is commonly present with a cold.

Sneezing is not common with the flu.

Sudden Symptoms

Cold symptoms tend to develop over a few days.

The flu has a rapid onset within 3-6 hours. The flu hits hard and includes sudden symptoms like high fever, aches and pains.


A headache is fairly uncommon with a cold.

A headache is very common with the flu, present in 80% of flu cases.

Sore Throat

Sore throat is commonly present with a cold.

Sore throat is not commonly present with the flu.

Chest Discomfort

Chest discomfort is mild to moderate with a cold.

Chest discomfort is often severe with the flu.

The only way to stop the spread of the epidemic is to spread the awareness.
Sunday of our Thanksgiving here in Canada I sat down to the BIG meal I had prepared and had to excuse myself from the table. I felt like a two ton truck had just hit me. I was off work all last week with the exception of Thursday when I did come in and felt absolutely horrible and was told to go home. I cam in today and have been told to not come in tomorrow and stay away till I feel better, still feel like CRAP. One of my co-workers was sent home today and told to stay away. She has all the symptoms I was fighting or have been for over a week now. This is NASTY thing. I work for Health Canada so they have been preparing staff here as well as the Canadian public what to look for and what to do in the event you think you have it.
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Just curious here.

How do all the people that say that they have the SWINE flu actually know it is the swine flu and not just the regular, good old awful flu????

Are you getting a test for this?

I have a feeling that many getting the regular seasonal flu are automatically saying they have the swine flu. Again, just curious as to how you are making this diagnosis.
Just curious here.
How do all the people that say that they have the SWINE flu actually know it is the swine flu and not just the regular, good old awful flu????

Are you getting a test for this?

I have a feeling that many getting the regular seasonal flu are automatically saying they have the swine flu. Again, just curious as to how you are making this diagnosis.
We're not testing anymore in our ER. It's really early for the regular "seasonal" flu. The people we were testing came back pos for the Swine we pretty much figure that's what we're dealing with and not the "seasonal" flu. You're right though....I'm sure there are some of the "regular" flu's mixed in. In fact my employee health nurse said that as soon as I'm better it's recommended I get the H1N1 vaccine since we aren't testing and this could be influenza B that is also out there. I did get my regular flu shot several weeks ago.
My daughter had the flu, we did not check for regular or swine. Both can be dangerous, and I would treat both the same, watch for the same things. I did have a good friend die last week, from the flu, NOT swine flu (yes, she was tested) so both are around, and both can be deadly.
Hus and I don't have it and only have a slight cruddy sluggish feeling and runny noses. Dan was tested and has it for sure.

Dan felt a little bit better, went back to work and had a relapse. Now he is coughing his brains out 24-7 and can't get any rest because of it and he's running a fever again. I told him not to go back to work so soon and stay the heck out of those Haunted Houses late at night but nope. It was sooooo cold and rainy, damp, and he just HAD to go,. These kids don't listen to nothing and now he's back to the doctor today, has a shopping bag of RX, he's down in the bed, and sick all over again. Lost so much weight he's a toothpick. He won't need a costume for Halloween if this keeps up because he's white as a ghost. Here I go with the chicken soup again. My poor baby. :arg!
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I agree Marty, it truly is a nasty thing! It seems to fool you and make you think you are getting better and like your son I went back to work and whammo!!! Fever is back, the headache is back, the feelilng the muscle and joint pains and of course th difficulty in breathing
. I coughed and hacked away all night and finally fell asleep around 6 a.m. and believe it or not I just got up and feel like CRAP. I doubt I will be going in tomorrow as I was told not to come back to work until I was better and I don't see that happening in the next 24 hours with the way I am feeling at the moment. It truly is a vicious flu and many of my co-workers are now also coming down with it. This is just the beginning I think and it will get much worse in the next few months when flu season truly kicks in.
It is scary stuff!!! It scares me even more reading through this thread and people and families here with such close exposure. Really worries me.

I'm particularly worried w/ what I've had going on this fall (the upper lobe of my left lung had to be removed due to a rare cancer -- I have been SO lucky through this scary thing). Hopefully, my doctor will have the shots soon. I wasn't supposed to have the nasal spray... I've got to travel to Kansas (oh the exotic places I go) on business in early December. I really hope I get the shot in plenty of time to be protected before the exposure to so many people (airport, plane, hotel, meetings...). I know when I came home from the hospital, I was under the impression just catching the common cold would be extremely serious at that stage and my lung is still healing I think (still hurts, etc.).
This does sound really bad, and I am even more worried now since I am battling bronchitis and pneumonia now and have used up all of my sick leave.

I was also told that a chest x-ray showed a nodule on one of my lungs, but I can't get a cat scan until I am over this and my lungs are clear. Thought of you first thing Jill. Plus my Mom died of lung cancer.

I am supposed to go to Texas for a board of director's meeting the first weekend in December, scares me to think of flying with that flu going around.

I have only missed one board meeting in six years, and that one was a last minute meeting at the World Show the one year I didn't attend.

I just don't know what to do about this one, and I fear I am not the only one. It would be terrible if there wasn't a quorum there.
We will be getting the vaccine on Sat- I am a high risk person with my illness and that means raven and I need it so off we go.

I have already had my seasonal flu shot get it every year
I am also high risk, but so far the shot is only available for medical professionals and caretakers of small children. Guess I have to wait.
It just became available here thru the health dept my doctor does not have it yet. They are vaccinating kids at school at two of the larger school districts but our district is not included in that
Oh dear, hope all of you that have been ill feel better soon!!!!

Carol, you took the words right out of my mouth! If they have not been tested, they cannot confirm what kind of flu it is, and there are all kinds of things going around right now.

For those with high fevers, watch that!! Do not ignore that! I work with a lady who was born normal, but is now DEAF due to the high fever she had at one time!! A big fever can be dangerous in many ways, so if you NEED to go to ER or urgent care, or whatever, don't hesitate to!!
I haven't been sick,but I think you can get it and not even know it.

I definitely will Not be getting the H1N1 vaccine because it has Squalene and Live cancer viruses in it. is a great information website.

Conspiracy theorist, perhaps
Cancer is not a virus. The H1N1 vaccine has the killed virus in it and the same make-up as the "normal" flu vaccine. If doctors are giving it to their families (mine), I don't think you should be too concerned.
What I mean is the H1N1 vaccine has live animal cancer cells in it as well as mercury and Formaldehyde.
The stats I have heard is that over 900 kids have died from this disease that is a big number in a short time and makes the decision a difficult one

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