Well-Known Member
My Mom always said it was genetic and I'd gotten it from her father.
I was a late life baby and he was gone years before I was ever
born, however, he raised Morgan horses in the late 1800's in the
San Juan Islands of Washington State. There were LOTS of stories
about him as I grew up and his love of, particularly, his stallion.
Genetic or not I've always had the 'bug'.
Until this past November kept my hair waist length...as a little girl
I perfected the walk of swinging my hair like a horses tail.
Always had to have taps on my shoes because I had to trot every
where and wanted to 'sound' like a horse. I also was
accomplished at doing flying lead changes, no matter where I was
trotting to...
This is the look I get from everyone else in my family
that missed
the genetic mutation of being a horse lover.
Still, any sign that says 'House for Sale" nearly gives me whiplash just
in case it says 'HORSE for sale'. I HAVE to look.
I was a late life baby and he was gone years before I was ever
born, however, he raised Morgan horses in the late 1800's in the
San Juan Islands of Washington State. There were LOTS of stories
about him as I grew up and his love of, particularly, his stallion.
Genetic or not I've always had the 'bug'.
Until this past November kept my hair waist length...as a little girl
I perfected the walk of swinging my hair like a horses tail.
Always had to have taps on my shoes because I had to trot every
where and wanted to 'sound' like a horse. I also was
accomplished at doing flying lead changes, no matter where I was
trotting to...
This is the look I get from everyone else in my family
the genetic mutation of being a horse lover.
Still, any sign that says 'House for Sale" nearly gives me whiplash just
in case it says 'HORSE for sale'. I HAVE to look.