I still say only the Democrats keep playing the race card. Only the Democrats are complaining about Sarah bringing her children with her. NOBODY would have said a word if Obama had been proud enough of his family and wanted the public to meet them. Maybe he should have brought them along.
Are there NO Democrats who drink beer. What difference does it make where the money came from? At least we know where it came from. Where does Obamas big bucks come from for his campaign. WHY WON'T he release his records. He doesn't keep any because he doesn't want us to know.
Some of these remarks are so stupid. If John McCain was black, green or purple with orange stripes I would still vote for him. I know Common Sense just died but have you ever heard the term "book smart". If you are book smart you still need to have "common sense".
Have you never known someone who was addicted to pain killers because of health problems. Cindy has admitted she was wrong for taking medications to which she was not entitled. I don't believe any person addicted to anything is thinking right. She also got help for it.
John McCain has admitted Keating 5 was the worst time of his life and he was wrong to have been involved and was also cleared of everything but poor judgement. Obama will not admit to anything . I know you will say he has nothing to admit too. BU**S**T. We all know different. If things were reversed it does not change the fact that one of these candidates is on the up and up and that man is John McCain.
A lot of people who say they are for Obama probably are saying so because if they don't they would be considered a racist by certain people.