Sometimes You Just Gotta' Let It Go

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Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2011
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Arlington, WA
Today we opened up a section of pasture. Within that area is a stump about 6 foot across. A week and a half ago, I tried to do a shortcut carrying a bucket of horsey poop from the stalls and slip-slided across the wet stump, took my face skiing into some rocks and had to get a half dozen stitches on my forehead and nose.

So today, after Baby sported around bucking and running, next thing she does is start pawing at the stump and then hopped up on top of the stump like she's king of the hill.

I was twitching. But she's been doing better with the stump than I did (we removed the rocks before they went out there.)

Wow that stump is huge!! I know that wood is slick as ice when damp, unfortunately for me I have also taken a nose dive off wood! LOL! (Mine was a 2x4 I was trying to walk over and avoid
) Sorry you got hurt! Is there anyway you can take an ax or saw and chop some grooves into the top of it for traction? It might help.
Years ago I slipped on our wet back porch and dislocated my shoulder and broke a bone in my tailbone. You talk about hurt! I had to reset my shoulder myself because I was laying on the porch, alone, and had stuff to do. A couple of days later when I still couldn't sit down, I had an x-ray and sure enough, a broken butt! So I was sitting on a funny cushion for a couple of weeks. Hubby had a lot of fun saying I was a pain in my own butt. Funny guy. NOT.
Sorry about your fall. I hate falling down at my age (55), it hurts ! I was standing on a stump last week and almost fell off and thought to myself I will NOT do that again.
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Yeah, they're all laughing at me... but I probably deserve it.

Our pasture is fenced on the outer perimeter with wooden fencing; we have it cross-fenced with electric. There's a gate right next to the stump but we both (husband and I) tend to step over the fence. A week or so before I was laughing at him when he stepped over the fence (vice using the gate) and got zapped in the private parts.

The stump is pretty darn big and slicker than snot when it's wet, so when Baby hopped up there like a little mountain goat, I was freaking. Not so long ago a neighbor's horse broke its leg and was put down. Thus my subject line on this post... Sometimes You Just Gotta' Let It Go. You can't watch them all the time, even though I might want to.

Thanks for the idea about carving some grooves in the stump. The hubby took his chainsaw out and cross-hatched the most popular stumps. (Apparently there is some sort of device that we could maybe rent that you use to "chow up" stumps. Unfortunately we have too little time and too many stumps (we' ve fenced off as many as we could) ....not to mention there's still a bunch of really big cedar trees that are still up.
Yeah, they're all laughing at me... but I probably deserve it.

Our pasture is fenced on the outer perimeter with wooden fencing; we have it cross-fenced with electric. There's a gate right next to the stump but we both (husband and I) tend to step over the fence. A week or so before I was laughing at him when he stepped over the fence (vice using the gate) and got zapped in the private parts.

The stump is pretty darn big and slicker than snot when it's wet, so when Baby hopped up there like a little mountain goat, I was freaking. Not so long ago a neighbor's horse broke its leg and was put down. Thus my subject line on this post... Sometimes You Just Gotta' Let It Go. You can't watch them all the time, even though I might want to.

Thanks for the idea about carving some grooves in the stump. The hubby took his chainsaw out and cross-hatched the most popular stumps. (Apparently there is some sort of device that we could maybe rent that you use to "chow up" stumps. Unfortunately we have too little time and too many stumps (we' ve fenced off as many as we could) ....not to mention there's still a bunch of really big cedar trees that are still up.
Yep a stump grinder! They work great! I'm sure you can rent one from an equipment rental place. Or if you have alot to do and it's worth having, check out craigs list or something of the sort. Believe me if you own one and people find out you may be able to make a few bucks going and grinding peoples stumps for them! LOL!!(it's something alot of people have but have no way to get rid of!) Good, I'm very glad the groove idea helped!!
I was just worried about a broken leg or something....

I have to say she sure is Pretty, Pretty, Pretty!!
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