I am turning green just thinking about it! My mum used to say tongue was good too, but I don't think I could ever bring myself to try it. I have watched the cows stick them up their nostrils, and just looking at all those taste buds.... :smileypuke:...and does anyone else eat tongue? Yum! Once, my sister used my mom's big pot to tie-dye some clothes and didn't get all the dye out. It didn't show up on the black pot, but my mom boiled tongue for dinner that night...we ate BLUE tongue!
that isnt weird that is the only way I have ever eaten pancakes or waffles...my whole family always did that parents, grandparents etc.......my hubby thinks it is strange.....ok i don't think i will be hiring any of you to cook for me :new_shocked: :new_shocked:
the weirdest thing i eat i guess is grilled cheese sandwiches with jelly on, and my grandpa got us hooked on peanut butter and syrup on pancakes or waffles which gets lots of funny looks from people but it's so yummy warm and melted on the pancakes or waffles...... in fact i can't hardly stand to eat cold peanut butter any more, it's just too sticky!
Bleah. I dunno, but very little of this sounds appetizing or anything!
Potluck, anyone?
Liz M.
The only thing I do that makes people think I'm weird is I like to dip my french fries in a milkshake!