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Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2008
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I dreamed this topic last night, so I am starting here telling all of you thank you for keeping this forum alive. I always say, you never know what someone is going through and you might not even be aware you are being a lifeline for someone. I truly believe that people often forget to say thanks. So thank you for keeping me hanging on and for supporting me.

I have had a rough couple of years... I found out in 2010 I was losing my job after 31 years due to downsizing. I was to exit on my birthday exactly 1 year short for my retirement benefits. That same year... I had surgery and they messed it up and I spent 9 weeks mending from the "bonus" surgery. I also lost my dad in 2010 and went to way too many funerals of special friends. Then I had a couple of lifelines...I got a driving boy given to me with his harness...Then on December 17th I found out I got a 1 year extension for my job in a new role I would be trained into...

Then came 2011... More funerals
and I found out that learning my job all over again was really really hard... My husband's only help on the farm got cancer, so I slipped into this helper role and work until midnight most nights and then get up and go to work at my really hard day job... I was feeling pretty crummy and sad... then I started getting some awesome support... support from friends, including support from strangers on this forum.

The driving forum... WOW... Patiently answered many questions about carts, harness, how to fit... driving tips... I wore my little fingers out typing and asking questions and posting photos for critique, it really satisfies my sponge need for more knowledge. Thank you all on the driving forum for helping me with my boy Ike, but more importantly helping me to focus on something else becides lack of sleep and my really hard job and keeping me focused on how great it feels to drive, wind in my hair.. in my new cart with my special boy Ike.

Special thanks to Leia for patiently answering post after post and for being a forum friend. And to Angie who helped the computer dyslexic girl post some photos and for posting and for being a friend, and for Kim, my awesome mini breeder and extra special friend who brought me here in the first place, I will never regret the day I called her and got introduced to this wonderful world of smaller horses, and special friend who is always there for me and who shares her special boy Chips with me... He lights up my life by the way, everybody needs a Chippy hug.

Thanks to all the rest of you too

Thank you back porch friends... especially the weigh in thread... Melinda, Mona...too many names to list... you know who you all are..!!!, Thanks to you all that supported me in my weight watchers journey of 37 lbs lost since March of this year. Thanks to all of you that post on the other forums with feeding tips, fencing and stable tips. This forum is AWESOME and has really helped me more than you can imagine. Now 2011 is ending ... I will exit my job and "retire" on my birthday.. the exact day I qualify for retirement benefits. I feel like I am jumping out of an airplane without a parachute, it is rather scary saying goodbye to the paycheck but I am grateful that my employer gave me that last year. They didn't have to, so that was a bonus. I will be farming, training dogs, walking dogs and am heading into a new world.

Anyway... this turned out to be a book... I cried at some of the postings lately people sad and feeling like giving up and I am hoping that people can realize that even if there is somebody out there that may have posted and hurt your feelings, that there are many that are pouring over your postings and getting support and you may not even realize that you are someones lifeline.. they could even be a lurker. Kind of like Horton hears a who... Remember that kids book? we are here, we are here we are here. Stay strong folks, you never know who you might be inspiring
great topic, I am also thankful for this forum and all of its members! I am thankful for you helping me when I lost my first 2 foals, constipated foals, registration threads, feeding threads ect ect ect

People may not realize that it is a jump going from big horses to our wonderful minis, even though a lot is the same there is still much to learn! I will be forever thankful for this "24 hour life line" and to know that I can come on here all hours of the day and get help and support with whatever I need.

I also want to thank Robin for the secret santa thread, we dont really do much for christmas and it is usually a lot of family fighting and other non fun things so I really look forward to the secret santa on the forum, shopping for my people and reading the excitement of people shopping and posting what they get and also recieving my gift haha I dont think that my family quite understands that I am a "miniaholic" and LOVE all things mini! so thank you

and bless you all for your support to everyone, I learn a lot from all of your experiences and knowledge even if I dont post or ask questions!
Other than the first time I posted--where I basically got hazed, but a couple of kind people recognized my rookieness--I find this useful for information. The first dummmy baby we had, the first broken legged baby we had, I was able to quickly throw something out here and get some help.
I have learned so much from this forum, about everything horse related and have made wonderful friends.

I think this forum put me in touch with Mary (mdegner) who is one of the sweetest people i've met and works so hard to help put on great shows for everyone in our area. She got me out showing this past year finally and made it much less scary for me. Thank you so much Mary
Thank you Amanda.... I was happy to pass it on. You don't know how happy I was to see you and your honey and your sister Victoria show up at the shows and show. It makes it all worth it.... Thank you!!
I would have to write a BOOK to say just what LB means to me.

Through the past 12 years I've made countless friends! REAL friends, lifelong friends!

When my beloved stallion Spuds died, the whole forum reached out to me! So much comfort and understanding! I think there was 3 long threads offering hugs and stallions to borrow. THAT is when I knew the true power of the LB family. Stuff hits the fans here at times, but when the chips are down, we all come together as the big family we are.

The formation of CMHR is just one of the awesome things that came out of LB being here for all of us.

I've learned a lot too.

I'm honored to be allowed to do the games, Secret Santa and other things here. It's a pleasure to do anything I can to pay back what you've all given me.

Lil Beginnings is essential to my happiness and well being!

A day without LB is unbearable!

I live here!

Thank you Mary Lou for this place, for ALL you do for us! Thank you everyone for being a part of my family and allowing me to be a part of yours!


Aw thanks frostedpines!
What a great topic...

I also have met some nice friends on here and have made this a daily thing in my life to read, learn and hope I have added some help.

I have used this place for prayers and have been blessed.

On the back porch when my daughter was pregnant and was blessed with a wonderful grand daughter.

People understood when I lost a beautiful Gelding from Quest.

This place has been so wonderful to share what we all love so much Miniature horses of all sizes.

Thanks so much Mary Lou for giving us a place to share our experiences and learn.

Reo for all you have done, The Christmas exchange and the fun contests etc.

Thanks for the CMHR that helps so many horses.

I know we all do not see eye to eye, but at least we all have something in common, to better the miniature horse world.
We have been blessed hugely from many answered questions we posed as well as reading so many others posts' that my daughter and I are so grateful! I have over 35 years of experience in the performance horse industry(breeding, training, showing), but minis were brand new to us in 2009. Then this past year, our first year expecting two foals, my daughter (then 11) lost a mare & foal from dystocia and the remaining foal from a surprise foaling and the foal failed to make it out of the sac. 2011 turned out to be a disaster first mini foaling year. However, Lil Beginnings forum members poured out their support and encouragement and then two people stepped forward. One gave my daughter a brand new 2011 AMHA mini filly and another person gave Gracie 3 AMHA/AMHR registered mares, one that was a Reserve World Champion and the there two mares having been shown. We were greatly blessed by this and the countless support and words of encouragement. God bless you all!
This is a great forum for several reasons........

One, we've met many many people over the years on line who we have either met in person eventually or continued an on line friendship with elsewhere.

Two, there has been lots of invaluable information that's helped us as horse owners and breeders that isn't always available elsewhere, especially PERSONAL experiences. The top two pieces of advice I can remember off the top of my head is:

1. That liquid Banamine can be given orally at the same dosage, ie. by weight, and only takes about 10 minutes more time to take affect, without the risks that injecting has. When I read that, we asked two of our local vets and they agreed, so it's been many years that we've been doing it that way.

2. "Red Bag" Births.....It had been well over 10 years of breeding at the time and we'd never experienced a Placenta Previa (where the foal is still enclosed in the placenta).... There was a thread on the topic -- all about what it was and what to do..... Wouldn't you know? A few short weeks later we had our first "Red Bag"!!! Thank God for that post and thread..... The minute I saw the red membrane poking out, I realized what was happening and Larry and I immediately knew to tear it open without hesitation. I credit Lil Beginnings for saving that colt's life. (We've only had one other since then in 19 years.)
What an awesome thread!

I will probably forget someone hugely important, so I apologize ahead of time.

This forum has taught me probably 90% of everything I know about miniature horses!
I will always be appreciative of it and will never be able to repay it I'm sure.

Some of the things that stick out in my mind are:

Charlotte Lupton of REFLECTIONS. Back in 2007 I posted about a mare that came to me in foal. She had a history of foaling early (in the 290+/- day range) and I was asking if there was anything I could do to increase her chances of going longer and for having a healthy foal. Charlotte responded and then we started a long emailing process that went on for weeks. She taught me about the use of Regumate and of antibiotics for placentitis. I took Charlotte's advice, to the letter, and I had a beautiful LIVE foal born! That little stinker required many days in the hospital and the bill was HUGE, but I got a LIVE foal from a mare that had been going earlier and earlier every year to the point of no live foals in recent memory. Every time I go out to the pasture and that little stinker gives me grief - which is a daily occurance - I silently thank Charlotte for making her possible.

John Eberth, et al for all the education on dwarfism. It gave me the foundation and understanding that I needed when I was faced with the knowledge that my stallion I so dearly loved, had put so many thousands of dollars into (purchase price, pre-purchase exams, fertility testing, professional trainer, etc.), only to have his first live foal he sired (during my ownership) be a dwarf. It was emotionally and financially devastating for us. But since I had taken all I learned to heart and fully understood that dwarfism is the plague of our breed, I did the right thing and had him gelded within the month. All the mares, both mine and outside mares, he'd bred were aborted at my cost. I also returned 100% of the breeding fees and what the owners had paid me in mare care. I just couldn't stand the thought of another mare and foal going through the nightmare those two did. It was a terrible experience that I wouldn't wish on anyone, but it made me stronger. I will always appreciate the knowledge I've gotten on the subject from this forum.

Monette Freeman. I didn't meet her on the forum, but off the sales board. Meeting her is what allowed me to have my Ravey and also my Scarlett! Raven was of her breeding and Scarlett was from a mare I sent to Mo for a breeding.

Some general thanks!! I learned about Red Bag deliveries on this forum and because of the information I got here I was able to handle my one and only with a cool head and got the baby out immediately. Foaling kits, how to talk to vets, what makes a good farrier, worming, lice, floating teeth, color genetics, where to buy supplies, what to feed, show make-up, how to clip, etc., etc., etc. The list really goes on forever.


And the friends! I've met some wonderful people from this forum!
There have been countless ones I've not been able to meet in person but I still consider as friends. But I've also been lucky enough to meet many in person...let's see if I can remember at least a few of them...

Robin, REO

Julie, Creta Hills

Heather, Marestare

Debbie, SampleMN

Rebecca and William Shepard, WRS

Karen Hunter, AKS

James Walsh and his parents

Adam Longman

Rita, WeeOkie

Charlotte and Frank, REFLECTIONS

Becky, Redrock C

Brenda and Warren, Firewaters

Erin Petrelli

Dixi, KHA (although I met her before I found this site)

and probably 1000 more!

And thanks for ML for this whole site!
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I am new here and new to showing minis and the help and advice I get on here is invaluable. If ever I've got a question there is always a thread somewhere on here to give me an answer. Hopefully I will get to know all of you a bit more and your beautiful horses. What a fab forum this is.

A big thankyou to diane @ castle rock miniatures answering all my questions and for being so helpful and nice.

All of the info provided and questions answered, but the biggest thank you would be for making me a better person. I'm really shy, but this forum has taught me that we are all the same. So now when I go to a show I have found the courage to walk up to someone and ask them questions and make friends. I also just meet a fellow LB forum member last weekend and hope to make them a friend.
What a great thread to highlight the incredible impact that this forum has had. And a huge thanks to Mary Lou!!!

I will not even try to list specific instances when the forum helped me, or the wonderful forum friends I have made, but will list a few highlights. I also think I could just second Star Ridge Acres great list! Thanks Parmela.

The forum members really understand when one of us loses a mini of any age, and respond with empathy and cyber-hugs.

I think all of our minis - and especially our last two purchases (Getitia and Star Ridge Acres)- were from forum members or (in one case) a serious lurker.

But the best testament I can think of right now, is the help I received when dealing with Max's ulcers. The advice I received was so incredibly worthwhile that my VET starting asking on his frequent visits "what do the people on your forum say?". He would also seek advice from nearby Vet schools and hospitals, but he took the advice I received on this forum very seriously.
What a wonderful Thread. I do a lot of lurking, but have made some very special friends here and am thankful for everyones advice. I have learned so much on the different forums here and the different threads. The help and support are wonderful.

There are so many helpful people. Each you have helped either me or some else here at one time or another. In order to thank all that have helped would be to list the whole member book. There are two tho that I would like to give a special thanks to. Laura Lee. My first mini came from her and she told me about this forum. And Diane from Castle Rock who has helped me tremdously. And I have to include the Marestare cam group.The information and friendship there is beyond compare. Love you girls.

The world of minatures has some of the most gracious and friendly helpful people in the world and I am proud to call each of you a friend. Thank you
The advice I received was so incredibly worthwhile that my VET starting asking on his frequent visits "what do the people on your forum say?". He would also seek advice from nearby Vet schools and hospitals, but he took the advice I received on this forum very seriously.
I agree Mary. My last vet, whom I'd used for so many years, got so used to me saying "well, on the forum someone suggested..." that she started to ask "what does the forum say?" Now, that's when people are making a difference!
Coming from big horses, I was more than a little shocked, when my daughter purchased her first Mini. Thankfully, I found this forum and the members here. It has been a wealth of information like no other on the net. I think that anyone who sells a Mini, should make absolutely sure, that new owners become members here. Certainly one of the most friendly and informative forums in any breed. While I have never met in person, any members here, I have made a few treasured email friends.

For Miniature Horse owners the world over, this is THE ultimate gathering place. Thank you to all who run and take part in it daily.

The woman I bought my mini from told me about this site and that was the best advice she gave me. This is the greatest place and the first site I visit when I log on. My to-do list includes buying a notebook so that I can jot down all of the useful info and the person who posted it for future reference.
I have learned so much on here. It has been a great resource for me in all my "mini" adventures. I have changed so much in what I use to think a mini should look like, to what my goals are now for the future of my farm. I hope to stay in the minis for many more years to come. Thank you to all those involved in the making and involvement of this site.
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I've learned a TON while being apart of this "family"
I've had horses my whole life but not minis. I knew nothing about showing minis before I came here. With the help from you guys I have become much more confident. I know my minis aren't perfect but you guys showed me how to look past that and still go out and show them and do well! - I did just that this year! You guys are the very best and I am so happy to have been able to come here and learn all that I have from you!


This is how me and Sox looked last year at shows - Me knowing nothing about conditioning him or setting him up..




To this (not perfect but a huge improvement from 2010) pulled some 2nds and a first in halter this year. All thanks to this forum! You guys are truly amazing!




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You know, I'd feel horrible if I only thanked a few select people. So, I'm going to thank EVERYBODY!

Thank you ALL.

You all have been GREAT. Since November I've had people offer me geldings to show and tack and you all understood where I was coming from when I turned your offers down.

Throughout the last couple months I've only asked for complete and very blunt honesty. I got exactly what I wanted and you have been VERY patient with your explanations on feeding. I greatly appreciate it.

You guys have helped me change my herd from horses that look like this:


To this:


I will forever be indebted to you guys for the change that my horses have gone through.

Thank you again.

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