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Lil' Beginning's has a deep meaning for Michael and I and we think and speak of the it's members and the caring they extended to us.

In just a few hours Pacific Standard Time, on November 7th, 2006 we lost our home and business to a flood in the Puyallup Valley.

It was never able to be re-claimed as FEMA eventually amended it's designation to a fast moving floodway after it flooded again, 26 months later in Jan 2008.

At 5 years and holding we are still waiting on a settlement from the county as they try to determine how to formulate a settlement for this property that was not like any others in the area.

It was a shocking occurrence at that stage of our lives. We are of retirement age and near everything we had was invested in our business.

Our friend, Cheyenne (Sterling here on the Forum) did up a fundraiser on our behalf which was appreciated so much for the thoughts and good wishes extended from people that knew us really not at all.

For that we will always be thankful and hold the memory of you and Lil' Beginnings community close in our hearts.

We determined with all the wonderful things that came of it and the wonderful family, friends and things that have happened in the whole of our lives that we would not let this event be a defining moment of our lives.

We know that much of that is owed to you folks for thinking of us and buoying us up emotionally, as well as with your generosity, in a way we least expected.

Thanks, again, from Me & Michael and our mini family
While I had been very active on the forum in the past, the last few years I had been busy writing essays for school and busy with "life" that I have been more of a lurker than a poster.

I joined the forum quite young, and was sometimes guilty of the "know-it-all" teenage persona. Some members quickly put me in my place and undoubtedly crunched my confidence; but you soon learn that threads that "pick on" someone, really usually aren't at all. The great thing about the forum is that people truly DO want to see fellow members succeed, just safely and with the best interest of the horse.
I mention this, as I'm sure there are many who have felt hurt by members, so just try to remember that it is often hard to read the "tone" of someone's post. LB has taught and shared so many great things with it members. LB certainly helped me "grow-up" fast, if you would, and I like hearing from the various experts still.

Frankie, I still remember your amazingly generous offer, and will never forget the kindness you showed.

When starting out in the horse show world, members helped me learn and were able to share in both my horses and my growth, from my first fair show to my biggest AMHR shows. Some LB tips and tricks really helped.

I met my driving trainer, Lori Rafter - MiLo, on LB. Lori took me from a rookie green driver to a much better driver in all aspects. She broke both my current horses, who have both been able to achieve HOF status in driving with me at the whip! I'm pretty impressed and proud about that! And it started with LB

This time last year, I lost my horse Midnight who had been my dearest horse and friend of 20 years. Coming to that decision of letting go was one of the hardest things I had to do, and the forum support was unbelievable.
Before that time, although I highly respected Parmela from Star Ridge Acres, I hadn't really been able to really talk about anything worthy. Parmela really made the passing of my boys a better one. She may not know it, but I'm very thankful for her time and effort.

My only regret was how busy I have been lately that I have not been able to share this exciting year with all of you. I finally had my first home bred foal, I had one of my best show seasons to date, I had horses at Nationals again and have had one very special mare exceeded our expectations. I also finished my nursing schooling and wrote my exam. I wish that I had been able to share more about the high points. I wish I could have shared more of the low points too, such as loosing my grandfather, the anniversary of Midnight's passing, Cat's struggles, Seven's struggles, Joy's struggles, and even Nitro's past driving struggles which have finally become improvements, but again time is so limited sometimes. The ironic thing though, is many of the friends who have helped and supported me this year, while not on the LB website, were LB members and friends. LB offers so many rare and special connections.

I have learned so much about colours, pinto patterns, nutrition, care, showing, worming, shots, etc. that I can't thank LB enough! I also love sharing and reading about new additions, foals, show results, etc. - Those are some of my most favorite posts! I always recommend LB to newbies too.
And I dare not mention the the shopping I've done from the LB sales board!

Here, here for LB and everything it has to offer!
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What a great post, Adair. Thank you. I never realized what a hard time you were going through and appreciate the reminder that there is often so much more happening behind the keyboard than we realize! It's important to react always from a loving place and I think sometimes we each forget that...I know I do. (Edited to add: One reason I'm trying to stay off here is because I can't seem to stop "talking" in this pompous-sounding voice!
I don't mean to but can't seem to find that humorous tone I used to have.

StarRidgeAcres said:
I agree Mary. My last vet, whom I'd used for so many years, got so used to me saying "well, on the forum someone suggested..." that she started to ask "what does the forum say?" Now, that's when people are making a difference!
Here, here!

midnight star stables said:
My only regret was how busy I have been lately that I have not been able to share this exciting year with all of you. I finally had my first home bred foal, I had one of my best show seasons to date, I had horses at Nationals again and have had one very special mare exceeded our expectations. I also finished my nursing schooling and wrote my exam. I wish that I had been able to share more about the high points. I wish I could have shared more of the low points too, such as losing my grandfather, the anniversary of Midnight's passing, Cat's struggles, Seven's struggles, Joy's struggles, and even Nitro's past driving struggles which have finally become improvements, but again time is so limited sometimes. The ironic thing though, is many of the friends who have helped and supported me this year, while not on the LB website, were LB members and friends. LB offers so many rare and special connections.
^^ This!!^^

I am so grateful for the friendships I've made on here and wish I could have found more time to share Kody's recovery and return to (light) competition this year, Turbo's first days in harness, our pair adventures and all the rest. I look back at the threads from my first few years here and marvel at the emotional support we got, the advice and help and "hang in there's," and can't imagine I'd be where I am now without LB. Thanks to LB I knew what was happening when my Arab choked and how to treat it. Thanks to LB I knew that my vet clinic was WAY overcharging for a patellar ligament desmotomy and went elsewhere. Heck, thanks to LB Kody can walk!! :shockedIf you guys hadn't coaxed me it was the right thing to do and helped me find somewhere to get it done for a price I could afford, my boy would still be locking up and miserable.
It was such a comfort to me when Spyder died to know that thanks to those who took the time to read my stories about him here and invited him to come to our LB beach drives as the Honorary Big Horse, there were people out there who knew what a grand old man had just been lost. It brought me peace to know that others grieved over him as I did.


I think it's the nature of forums that as some members move on, those they mentored will move up to take the place of those who mentored them. I miss MiniHGal and some of the other driving folk who encouraged me and critiqued me when I first started but am proud and happy to see that some of those I've worked with are now out there answering questions when I don't have time to. It's not sad, it's just the way things are!
The internet is a wonderful place for many things but it can't replace living your own life.


Thankfully LB will always be here when we need to vent, need help with a sick horse or just want to talk minis with others who understand these wonderful little creatures. Thanks Mary Lou!


Before that time, although I highly respected Parmela from Star Ridge Acres, I hadn't really been able to really talk about anything worthy. Parmela really made the passing of my boys a better one. She may not know it, but I'm very thankful for her time and effort.
Desiree, I knew that was such a difficult time for you but no, I didn't know that I was able to help. You telling me that has made my horrible week with the passing of Wiz and Puddin' a bit easier. I need to remember what I said to you...it is for them and then they are finally free.

Thank you Desiree for helping to boost me during this time.
I really like this thread and meant to chime in earlier, but have been SO busy.

Over the years, LB is why I have some of my best horses and why I know some of the best horse people I could have ever hoped to meet. I have learned about red bag deliveries and what to do if we have a hip lock in one of our foaling mares... while I hope I never need to know what to do, I am thankful to have been armed with some knowledge thanks to people here at LB. I learned that if so many other people have foaling cameras, it must be in the realm of possiblity that I could also set them up and get them to work (and I did). I learned much of what I needed to know to stock my vet kit very well. Learned how to get better pictures. Learned some about color genetics. Early on learned "stop"or "quit" is better than "no", since these minis can / may drive. Learned about "twitching" pressure points and to ask my vet about sedatives I can keep on hand and safely use for clipping, etc. Learned not to ever use Quest on a mini. Learned the dangers of Bute for minis... and I am sure so much more than I can remember this morning!

I know that I'm a better horsewoman thanks to LB
LB is one of, if not THE best sources of Miniature information to be found. I can't count the number of times when I had a question or concern regarding the Minis that I came on here, did a search and got my answer or at least narrowed down the possibilities. There is nothing like personal experience for learning and this forum is a huge conglomeration of personal experiences!

A forum is probably not one of the best methods of communication for someone like me
I am far too blunt and outspoken and don't mince around words as my time is quite often limited, so although I don't necessarily mean to offend I frequently do. This forum is helping me learn to sometimes temper my words and be a little more patient with people - something I have no problem being with horses. Go figure

This year when I lost my old friend, Willie, and I was having a rough time dealing with it, this forum was the only place that I knew I could come and talk/write about it and find complete understanding about what I was going through. Thank you all for being there.
Milo, thanks for being "blunt" we need wake up calls from time to time. I know I certainly need those light bulb moments.
Great thread Adair. Big hug to you.

I agree this is a great place and I have also learned alot over the years and know I can always come here with a problem. I have really enjoyed the driving forums growth over the last 2 years.

Thanks ML!


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